Today, 18 September 2008, was the first day of the seventh edition of the now traditional Police Games, the biggest sports and social event of the year for the Slovenian police. Competing in this year's Games are 22 teams and a total of 767 participants drawn from all the police directorates and the units of the General Police Directorate.
Most of the events take place today and tomorrow in Tacen but some will also take place tomorrow (19 September 2008) in Gotenica. The official opening ceremony of the 7th Police Games will take place tomorrow (19 September 2008) at 8.30 a.m. in the sports park of the Police Academy in Tacen (Rocenska 56), near Ljubljana.
The participating athletes will compete in the eleven most popular sporting disciplines in the police force. Today they put themselves to the test in judo, self-defence (demonstration of techniques) and practical skills, in other words disciplines that are extremely useful in their day-to-day police work. The chess and football tournaments also started today.
Before the judo competition the warm-up was led by Marjan Fabian of the Police Athletes Division and the selector of the national judo team. The warm-up was followed by a demonstration of judo moves by Petra Nareks and Rok Drakšič, both police athletes. Also present was judoka Aljaž Sedej, another police athlete.
Some very young fans - children from the Jelka nursery school in Ljubljana - cheered on the competitors in the judo competition with banners made specially for the occasion. There were so many of them that several buses were needed to bring them and their banners. After the judo competition they went to see some of the other competitions and visit the Police Academy.
Self-defence - techniques
Practical skills
Tomorrow the competitors will take part in a multidiscipline police tournament featuring air rifle shooting, shooting with the Heckler Koch MP-5 automatic rifle, pistol shooting (European Police Course), self-defence (ju-jitsu) and beach volleyball. The football and chess tournaments will continue. The top individuals and teams in the final classification will receive diplomas, medals and trophies. Prizes were awarded today to the winners of the judo, self-defence (demonstration of techniques) and practical skills competitions.
Football matches between teams made up of police staff members, journalists and police athletes will take place tomorrow (19 September 2008) at 11.00 a.m. (in Tacen).
Tomorrow, like today, there will be guided visits to the Slovenian Police Museum at 11.00 a.m., 12.00 p.m. and 1.00 p.m.
The cultural programme accompanying the games included a photography competition. The opening of the photography exhibition and the awarding of symbolic prizes to the winning photographers will take place at 2.00 p.m. on 19 September 2008 at the Police Academy in Tacen.
Results of the first day of the 7th Police Games:
Judo (individual classification - up to 66 kg)
- Robert Javeršek, Novo Mesto
- Damjan Muheljič, Koper
- Aljoša Felkner, Slovenj Gradec
- Primož Kuhar, Ljubljana
- Jožef Čuš, Maribor
Judo (individual classification - up to 73 kg)
- Metod Jerman, Novo Mesto
- Bojan Jovanovič, Celje
- Bojan Popovič, Ljubljana
- Andrej Štinjek, Slovenj Gradec
- Luka Jutršek, Ljubljana
- Andrej Škedelj, Novo Mesto
- Sandi Grk, Koper
- Dejan Kink, Krško
- Igor Štefanič Božič, Novo Mesto
Judo (individual classification - up to 81 kg)
- Miha Mavec, Novo Mesto
- Boštjan Hliš, Maribor
- Damjan Ivančič, Maribor
- Tomaž Bevc, Ljubljana
- Boštjan Cotič, Koper
- Klemen Luskovec, Special Unit
- Dušan Raj, Novo Mesto
- Damir Kocjančič, Security and Protection Office
- Tomaž Hartman, Slovenj Gradec
Judo (individual classification - up to 90 kg)
- Luka Ravnič, Special Unit
- Boštjan Divjak, Ljubljana
- Saša Sandič, Koper
- Mehmed Telalovič, Ljubljana
- David Gracer, Police Academy
- Gregor Karneža, Maribor
- Sandi Makoter, Murska Sobota
- Bojan Založnik, Novo Mesto
- Božidar Skerbiš, Celje
- Aleš Lešnik, Celje
- Aleš Korošec, Krško
- Simon Švarc, Slovenj Gradec
Judo (individual classification - up to 100 kg)
- Denis Brumen, Celje
- Bojan Možina, Ljubljana
- Jan Blažič, Koper
- Zlatko Rizvič, Special Unit
- Sandi Hotko, Krško
- Bojan Jakac, Special Unit
- Uroš Iskra, Ljubljana
- Jurček Črešnar, Slovenj Gradec
- Tomaž Demša, Murska Sobota
- Marko Rožman, Maribor
Judo (individual classification - over 100 kg)
- Jože Butkovič, Koper
- Marko Rahle, Maribor
- Franc Pozderec, Murska Sobota
- Dušan Fifolt, Novo Mesto
- Aleksander Piškur, Krško
- Dušan Šuklje, Special Unit
- Mihael Ilc, Ljubljana
- Sašo Zdovc, Slovenj Gradec
Judo (general classification)
- Novo Mesto
- Koper
- Ljubljana
- Special Unit
- Maribor
- Celje
- Slovenj Gradec
- Krško
- Murska Sobota
- Police Academy
- Security and Protection Office
Self-defence (ju-jitsu - demonstration of techniques - general classification)
- Krško
- Koper
- Murska Sobota
- Ljubljana
- Postojna
- Maribor
Self-defence (ju-jitsu - demonstration of techniques - individual classification - men)
- Gorazd Kostevc, Krško
- Dejan Kink, Krško
- Boštjan Zemljič, Koper
- Elvis Podlogar, Ljubljana
- Bojan Popovič, Ljubljana
- Denis Kristl, Murska Sobota
- Damir Horvat, Murska Sobota
- Alen Kontelj, Koper
- Uroš Novak, Krško
- Boštjan Črnetič, Koper
- Zoran Preradovič, Postojna
- David Kranjc, Postojna
- Peter Deželak, Koper
- Geza Čotar, Murska Sobota
- Vinko Novak, Krško
- Boris Fluher, Postojna
- Andrej Petek, Maribor
- Aleš Vindiš, Maribor
- Stanko Rihtarič, Maribor
- Dominik Potočnik, Postojna
- Štefan Völgyi, Murska Sobota
- Vladimir Cafuta, Maribor
- Matjaž Lipar, Ljubljana
- Primož Kuhar, Ljubljana
Practical skills (general classification)
- Celje
- Uniformed Police Directorate
- Special Unit
- Koper
- Ljubljana
- Maribor
- Murska Sobota
- Krško
Chess (general classification)
- Special Unit
- Criminal Police Directorate
- Krško
- Ljubljana
- Police Academy
- Slovenj Gradec
- Maribor
- Kranj
- Koper
- Celje
- Operational Communications Centre
- Postojna
- Novo Mesto
- Security and Protection Office