In accordance with the new Electronic Communications Act (ZEKom-1), which entered into force at the beginning of 2013, we would like to inform visitors to the Police website that we use cookies to ensure proper functioning of the website.

If you click "Accept cookies"

If you click "Accept cookies", the setting that you allow cookies will be saved on your computer (until cookies are deleted).

If you do not click "Accept cookies"

If you do not click "Accept cookies" but continue to use our website, the information on cookies will remain on top of the page and it will be understood that you agree with their use as indicated by your actions.

What are cookies?

Cookies are very small files generated by the website during your visit to our website and saved on your computer. Cookies contain settings for the web site, font size, language, etc. Depending on their purpose, cookies can sometimes be used without specific user consent, while in other cases user consent is required.

Our website uses the following cookies:

  • essential (session) cookies

A session cookie is generated when you access our website and is used for storing information such as language selection, the tab you are on, font size, etc. A session cookie is deleted as soon as you close the window.

  • analytical cookies generated by Matomo

Matomo (formerly Piwik) is an open-source web analytics platform, which enables website owners to better understand how visitors use their websites. All data is anonymised and does not enable individual visitor recognition. The platform uses several cookies, with names such as “_pk_id” and “_pk_ses”.

Privacy settings

By clicking “Choose cookies” you can opt to disable analytical cookies.

Related content

You can learn more about website administrators' obligations under the new Electronic Communications Act in the Information Commissioner's document entitled: Guidelines on the Use of Cookies (in Slovenian only)