English version: HOW FRIENDLY ARE BORDER POLICE OFFICERS? Dear Visitors This survey measures the performance of police officers at Slovenian border crossings, their attitude towards passengers and their outward appearance. Though the results of the survey have no statistically applicable value, we will try to consider the opinions of all visitors participating in this survey. Thank you for filling it in. It will take only a few minutes of your time. The survey results should be published this autumn. There are 22 questions in this survey. |
Slovenian version: ANKETA: PRIJAZEN MEJNI POLICIST Spoštovani! Pripravili smo krajšo anketo o delu policistov na mejnih prehodih, njihovem vedenju in urejenosti. Čeprav rezultati ankete nimajo statistično uporabne vrednosti, bomo skušali upoštevati mnenja vseh, ki boste sodelovali v anketi. Za sodelovanje v anketi, ki Vam bo vzela le nekaj minut, se Vam zahvaljujemo. Rezultati bodo objavljeni po zaključku ankete, predvidoma jeseni. V tej anketi je 22 vprašanj. |