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On 8 April 2009, the Criminal Police Directorate and the IT and Telecommunications Office at the General Police Directorate established an automatic integrated information connection with the global police communication system of the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), referred to as I-24/7.

IMG 2871

The Secretariat-General of INTERPOL in Lyon (France), following IPSG, manages the global police communication system I-24/7 and the databases of the organization (following I-24/7), which contain the measures issued for wanted persons and property (documents and vehicles) on the basis of requests from the national central offices of INTERPOL from 187 member states and international organizations, which concluded a special agreement with IPSG.

Final users - police officers can in accordance with the national legislation simultaneously verify the issued measures in the central police computer for wanted persons and property (documents and vehicles) at a national level, the national part of SIS (Schengen Information System) and in the databases of INTERPOL.

It has to be emphasized that such integration has so far been carried out only in Norway and now Slovenia, but in no other country of the EU or wider.