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The Director of the Criminal Police Directorate M.A. Aleksander Jevšek and Head of the International Police Cooperation Division Dušan Kerin participated in the 78th Interpol General Assembly in Singapore, which ended on 15 October 2009.

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Head of the International Police Cooperation Division Dušan Kerin and Director of the Criminal Police Directorate at the General Police Directorate M.A. Aleksander Jevšek

The assembly was opened on 11 October 2009 by the President of the Singapore Government Lee Hsien Loong; afterward, the participants discussed the issues of border protection as the basis for global safety, cooperation of Interpol with United Nations in connection with international peace missions, construction of global police capacities and establishment of a comprehensive system to fight corruption.

The central discussion topics were also computer crime (cybercrime) as a global threat and marine piracy, including the urgency of internationally harmonised fight against both global threats. Among others, the participants agreed on the upgrade of police tools within the framework of Interpol, and they considered also legal and financial aspects of Interpol's operations.

Interpol is an international organisation of criminal police, joining 186 member states with the seat in Lyon ? France. Slovenia has been a full member of Interpol since 1992.