Nineteen members of the Slovenian Police, who are engaged in the international peace-keeping mission EULEX in Kosovo, were not directly involved in the recent unrest. In the current situation, the Slovenian officers are in no more danger than any other member of the mission.
During the armed incident at the Brnjak administrative border crossing point in northern Kosovo, no members of the Slovenian police were present in the area. The six officers working in Kosovska Mitrovica are located closest to the events taking place, while the rest are engaged in Priština. Three officers are due to complete their work at the mission shortly and will be returning home. Their return is to take place as scheduled regardless of the current tense situation. In short, they are all performing their duties according to plan and in accordance with the mission's mandate.
A quick reminder: on the afternoon of Tuesday, 26 July 2011, there was an armed incident at the Brnjak administrative border crossing point in northern Kosovo between the special Kosovo police unit (Regional Support Unit) and local ethnic Serbian population. During the incident, a Kosovo police officer sustained injuries so severe that he died during the night. Those injuries are to be investigated by the competent EULEX unit.
The EULEX Mission was established in 2008 and is the EU's largest civilian mission. A total of 27 member states and 6 third countries participate in EULEX, which is managed from Brussels. The mission's objective is to assist and support the Kosovo authorities in developing the rule of law, specifically with regard to the police, judiciary and customs.