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A two-week basic training course for police officers candidates for work in international civilian missions started on 10 November at the Gotenica Training Centre.

The purpose of the training is for participants to get both theoretical and practical skills for professional, safe and effective work in international civilian missions. Among other things, the participants will familiarize themselves with methods of work and operating standards of ICM, principles of peacekeeping and characteristics of crime in crisis areas. They will learn about measures in the field of security and protection, medical care and first aid. They will also do practical exercise.

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In addition to Slovenian police officers, the training is attended by representatives of the Bosnian, Montenegrin, Macedonian, Slovakian, Czech, Serbian and Croatian police. Trainers are experts from the Police, Ministry of Foreign Affairs experts, International Trust Fund for Demining and Mine Victim Assistance and representatives of police forces from other countries (Sweden, Montenegro, Slovakia and Croatia). The training, for which all the participants first prepare in advance, via e-classroom, is organised by the International Police Operations Division of the Service of the Director General of the Police. 

In 2010 the Slovenian police acquired a certificate for providing this training from the United Nations Organisation, which is the first internationally verified training programme of the Slovenian police. On its basis we can also carry out training for the UN member states that do not have such a programme yet. The certificate needs to be renewed every four years and what is special about this training is that foreign experts are assessing its preparation, contents and participants' responses.

The Slovenian police have been taking part in international civilian missions since 1997; presently, there are ten police officers participating in two missions, i.e. EUPOL COPPS Palestine and EULEX Kosovo.