
Amid the emergency situation affecting Slovenia, the Police Academy in Tacen provided shelter to those who had to leave their homes due to the floods today, 4 August ...
The police are closely following the heavy rains causing severe damage in most of the country that reached Slovenia last night and are set to continue today.
Due to extremely heavy rainfall, many areas across the country are under water and numerous roads are flooded, so extra caution is advised. The situation is ...
The summer season is already in full swing, as mountain lovers venture into the mountains in greater numbers. Unfortunately, this also brings about a higher number ...
As of 17 July 2023, three Slovenian police officers will be assisting Croatian officers in police procedures involving Slovenian nationals for one month during the ...
On 15 and 16 July 2023, the World Jiu-Jitsu Championship took place in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, under the auspices of the International Jiu-Jitsu ...
The summer season is already in full swing, as mountain lovers venture into the mountains in greater numbers. Unfortunately, this also brings about a higher number ...
Yesterday, 6 July 2023, police officers from the Koper Traffic Police Station were carrying out speed checks with the Trucam laser speed camera on the A3 motorway.
As part of efforts to improve safety on motorways and expressways, police stepped up motorway checks yesterday, 29 June 2023, to ensure that drivers maintain a safe ...
On 26 June 2023 in Trieste, criminal investigators from Koper, in collaboration with the Italian and Croatian security authorities, successfully concluded a ...
June is the most festive month for the Slovenian police – the month, when we celebrate Slovenian statehood and the Police Day. After weeks of celebrations across ...
On the occasion of the Statehood Day, the Slovenian Embassy in Croatia hosted a diplomatic reception on Tuesday, 20 June 2023, attended by high-ranking ...