At today's press conference of the General Police Directorate, Aleksander Jevšek, Director of the Criminal Police Directorate, and Harij Furlan, Head of the Group of state prosecutors for the prosecution of organized crime at the Office of the State Prosecutor General of the Republic of Slovenia, described to the media the activities of the police as regards the investigation of several economic crime and corruption offences.
The pre-trial procedure directed by the Group of state prosecutors for the prosecution of organized crime, which consisted of several months of investigation, revealed that there were reasons to suspect that CEOs of different Slovenian companies had committed criminal offences of economic crime and corruption related to public procurement. Several people were arrested.
According to Aleksander Jevšek and Harij Furlan, the police carried out 29 house searches of homes and company premises all over Slovenia. Seven people were arrested. The activities involved 110 criminal police officers from the General Police Directorate and regional Police Directorates and 52 uniformed police from police directorates.
The alleged criminal offences are offences under articles 247 and 248 of the Penal Code:
Unlawful acceptance of gifts (Article 247)
1) Whoever, in the course of their business activities, solicits or accepts for themselves or another an unlawful award, gift or other benefit or promise, or the offer of such a benefit, to act to the detriment of their organisation or another natural person, or cause it damage, when concluding a business deal or performing a service, shall be sentenced to imprisonment of between six months and five years.
2) The perpetrator of the offence from the preceding paragraph who solicits or accepts for themselves or another an unlawful award, gift or other benefit or promise, or the offer of such a benefit, as a return favour for the conclusion of a business deal or the performance of a service, shall be sentenced to imprisonment of between three months and five years.
3) The perpetrator of the offence from the first paragraph of this article who, after concluding the business deal or performing the service, solicits or accepts for themselves or another an unlawful award, gift or other benefit shall be sentenced to imprisonment of not more than two years.
(4) Awards, gifts and other benefits received shall be confiscated.
Unlawful giving of gifts (Article 248)
(1) Whoever promises, offers or gives an unlawful award, gift or other benefit to a person performing a business activity, intended for that person or for another, such that they obtain, for themselves or for another, an unlawful advantage in the conclusion of a business deal or the performance of a service from the first paragraph of Article 247 of this Code, shall be sentenced to imprisonment of between six months and five years.
(2) Whoever promises, offers or gives an unlawful award, gift or other benefit to a person performing a business activity, intended for that person or for another, as a return favour for the conclusion of a business deal or the performance of a service, shall be sentenced to imprisonment of not more than three years.
(3) The perpetrator from the preceding paragraphs who gave the unlawful award, gift or other benefit upon request and who declared the offence before it was uncovered or committed may be exempt from punishment.
(4) Awards, gifts or other benefits given shall be confiscated in the case from the preceding paragraph and may be returned to the person who gave it.