Due to numerous questions recently addressed by both citizens and media representatives to the police and concerning road stickers, their price, points of sale etc., we publish some useful links where most answers to these questions can be found.
We underline, however, that police is but one of the competent authorities for the supervision of the toll sticker use. Under the provisions of the Public Roads Act it performs only supervision of the toll sticker use.
Persons competent for the supervision of the road toll payment are primarily the so-called road toll supervisors (authorised persons of the manager of toll roads or DARS), as well as inspectors of the Transport Inspectorate of Slovenia and the Customs Administration of Slovenia.
All detailed clarifications on toll stickers are therefore found on the website of DARS,the Motorway Company of the Republic of Slovenia.
How to use the vignette? (information on placement of the toll sticker, replacement stickers etc.)
The information on the activities of the police regarding the supervision of the toll sticker use may be found on the Police website:
Police activities on the introduction of toll sticker system on Slovenian roads