Pursuant to the Rules on Purchasing and Using Police Service Animals, no. 007-53/2009/27 (29-02), 13. 8. 2009, the Police publish an invitation to tender for the purchase of ten dogs for operational work.
1. Subject of the contract:
The purchase of ten dogs for operational work (general and specialist use) for the requirements of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Slovenia, the Police (hereinafter: supply of dogs), in accordance with the invitation to tender.
The contracting authority is not obliged to purchase the whole quantity of dogs.
A tenderer can offer one or more dogs.
In appearance the dog must correspond to the breed type of working service dogs of German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Belgian Shepherd - Malinois or Dutch Shepherd breed, or hunting dogs of German Pointer or Springer Spaniel breed. Pedigree is not a condition for the purchase.
The dog must not be younger than ten months or older than 30 months. The dog can exceptionally be younger if it demonstrates above average results in the test of working performance, but it must not be younger than eight months.
The dog must be vaccinated against rabies. The vaccination against rabies must be dated not less than one month and not more than 12 months before the date of the first practical test.
A dog that has bitten or in any other way injured a person and the statutory term has not yet passed from the time of the biting or injuring cannot be the subject of a tender.
The contracting authority will perform testing in compliance with the Rules on Purchasing and Using Police Service Animals.
2. Testing of dogs:
Testing of dogs will be carried out at the Service Dogs Training Section, Gmajnice 34, 1000 Ljubljana. The tenderers will be informed about the date and hour of testing subsequently.
During the first test, the tenderer must submit for inspection the original passport for pets and the original pedigree if the dog has one, as well as give an oral statement on the dog's medical condition and a statement whether the dog has bitten or in any other way injured a person or animal within the last ten days.
During the first test the dog is handled by the tenderer or a person authorised by him/her. If the dog is successful in the first practical test, it is examined by a veterinarian following the professional rules. The costs of the veterinarian examination are borne by the Police.
If a dog has successfully passed the first test and is suitable according to the veterinarian's assessment, the school accepts the dog for testing lasting up to 28 days. The dog is taken over and taken care of by one of the school's instructors. The tenderer is provided with a written certificate acknowledging the school's taking over of the dog for further testing and care. At the same time the tenderer is provided with an explanation of the testing carried out in the school, the conditions that have to be fulfilled during that period, and the conditions for taking the second practical test. If the tenderer does not agree with the conditions, the dog is immediately returned to him/her.
After successfully passing the first test and being submitted to a veterinarian examination, the dog is accepted for testing lasting up to 28 days. After passing this testing, a final test is taken. The dog is assessed according to the criteria defined in the aforementioned rules.
Should the number of successfully tested dogs exceed the number of dogs to be purchased by the contracting authority, the contracting authority shall purchase the dogs with the highest score.
3. Location of the taking over and testing of the dogs:
Police Academy, Service Dogs Training Section, Gmajnice 34, 1000 Ljubljana
4. Instructions on drawing up a tender:
A tender must comprise notably the following:
- company and/or name of the tenderer;
- contact details of the owner or a person authorised by him/her;
- the dog's characteristics;
- photocopy of a passport for pets indicating all vaccinations of the dog;
- photocopy of the microchip number;
- photocopy of the pedigree (if the dog has one).
5. Conditions for participation:
In addition to the tender for a public contract, the tenderer must submit at least the following documents:
- fulfilled form Dog's Characteristics (Enclosure no. 1),
- fulfilled form Tender Conditions (Enclosure no. 2),
- fulfilled form Tenderer Details (Enclosure no. 3),
6. Criterion for the selection of a tenderer:
In selecting the tenderers, the contracting authority will, while taking into account all professional technical requirements and conditions defined in the invitation to tender, select the dogs that achieve the highest final score in the final test. Dogs shall be assessed by the contracting authority's working group based on dog assessment criteria.
7. Contact person at the Police Academy to be contacted on matters related to the taking over and testing of the dogs is Marko Medvešek, Head of Service Dogs Training Section, tel: 01/ 200 2251, for calls from abroad: +386 1 200 2251.
8. Envisaged selection date:
10. 2. 2012
9. Submission of tenders:
Tenderers must submit written tenders by 2. 2. 2012 (the post office stamp will be considered as the proof of the date posted). A tender must be sent in writing to the address: Republika Slovenija, Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve, Glavna pisarna, Štefanova 2, 1501 Ljubljana (English translation: Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of the Interior, Police, Uniformed police directorate, Štefanova 2, 1501 Ljubljana), with annotation "javna objava - nakup psov" (English translation: "public invitation - purchase of dogs").