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We invite you to visit European Comission's website Re-open EU, an interactive tool that provides the travellers with the information they need to make their travel and holiday plans, while staying healthy and safe during the trip across Europe. The information is frequently updated and available in 23 languages.

The web platform Re-open EU ( includes practical information provided by Member States on travel restrictions, public health and safety measures such as on physical distancing or wearing of facemasks, as well as other useful information needed in order to successfully manage continuing risks related to Coronavirus while planning travels.

EN Portal Re open EU

The website allows people to browse country-specific information for each EU Member State through an interactive map. It is easily accessible via app or website, and available in the 23 official EU languages.

 EN Portal Re open EU destination Slovenija

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not exhaustive. It is based on the most recent available data provided by EU Member States and collected from other publicly available and authoritative national sources. The Commission takes no responsibility of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness and accuracy of the information contained in this page or individual decisions based thereon.

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