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Due to the appearance of a new variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus marked B.1.1.529, a ten-day quarantine is mandatory upon entry into Slovenia for persons who are resident in countries or areas where the presence of that variant of the virus has been detected, or have stayed in these countries or areas in the last 14 days before entering Slovenia.

The list of countries or areas with variant B.1.1.529 is published on the NIJZ website

Such persons are not allowed to end the mandatory quarantine prematurely; it must last the full 10 days. The day after the quarantine expires, they must undergo a PCR test. If the test is positive, the protocol is the same as for all other individuals with a positive PCR test result.

Foreign nationals who are not resident in the Republic of Slovenia and who come from areas with a new variant of the virus are not allowed to enter.

Persons who stayed in the endangered areas for 14 days before the decree came into force (i.e. before 27 November 2021) must call the number 113 and communicate this information. Then they are put under home quarantine for 10 days. They are not allowed to end the mandatory quarantine prematurely, either, and must undergo a PCR test after 10 days.

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