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The latest government requirements for entry into Slovenia imposed to contain and control the spread of Covid-19 began to apply on 2 January 2021. Among those is the expansion of the list of exempt categories enabling entry from red-listed countries without having to quarantine or to present a negative PCR test. Also, rapid antigen testing has been introduced as an option at designated border crossing points.

Travellers are reminded that upon departing or entering Slovenia they must still comply with the restrictions on crossing municipal borders within Slovenia defined in the ordinance that partially and temporarily restricts the movement and gathering of people.

No-quarantine entry into Slovenia now applies to:

  • persons holding a negative PCR test taken no more than 48 hours ago in an EU Member State or Schengen Area state,
  • persons who comply with one of the exemptions listed in Article 10 of the ordinance and
  • persons taking a rapid antigen test and testing negative at one of the designated border crossing on the external Schengen border.

Despite the fact that the list of exemptions for entry into Slovenia has expanded and that rapid antigen testing is provided at certain border crossings, it is mandatory that travellers comply with an exemption listed in paragraph one of Article 4 of the Ordinance determining the conditions of entry into the Republic of Slovenia to contain and control Covid-19 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 193/20, 196/20 and 204/20).

Every person (unless they are passengers transiting Slovenia) leaving Slovenia must comply with an exemption and carry a certificate proving his or her exemption status as well as a signed statement which he or she may be asked to show when and if stopped by officers monitoring compliance via random checks. The same standard applies upon entering Slovenia (unless you are returning to your residence address).

Shopping, tourism, skiing, sports and similar activities are not legitimate grounds to allow entry into Slovenia. These purposes are neither listed as exemptions in the ordinance governing the border crossing regime nor in the ordinance restricting movement and gathering.

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For most recent information on changes introduced by the ordinance, entry requirements and updates on red list of countries please go to the government web site Border Crossing  

For all the information regarding restriction of movement between municipalities in Slovenia, exceptions, proof, statements, etc. go to the web site: Measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 infections