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Mr Martin Ozmec, a journalist and the editor of the regional radio broadcasting "Radio Tednik Ptuj", addressed a letter of thanks with photographs to Maribor Police Directorate, expressing his appreciation for efforts and humane work carried out by the police in the face of migrant crisis. Here we post his letter.

"I would like to express my thanks to you, Mr Franc Virtič, and to all other police officers for all the work carried out so far and for information communicated, especially on invaluable efforts of police officers to help refugees. Mr Virtič, you are doing an important and responsible job.  

As I have seen myself in the past days, the police play a crucial role in handling this extremely difficult situation the entire Europe is faced with. Here are some photographs I took to confirm that. I would appreciate if you could disseminate them to show that your and our police officers are doing a grand job helping selflessly fire-fighters, civil protection units and humanitarian organisations to overcome common problems.




"Photograph Martin Ozmec"

When I visited refugees in Dolane and Zavrč, officers of Gorišnica Police Station and Mr Premzl of riot and emergency police squad carried out their work in a particular humane way, as they spared no effort to help the most vulnerable group of refugees: children and mothers with babies.

I would like to express my appreciation and sincere thanks to you and all police officers on behalf of those who have already received and will still probably receive your assistance but will be unable to ever thank you.

I wish you every success in your future work.

Yours sincerely,
Martin Ozmec"

Police Activities in Connection with Current Migration Flows - available information