The project has been implemented for several years in the area of the Police Department Maribor - it was also conceived there.

Child PoliceOfficer01It turned out to be very successful: in addition to the pupils, parents and teachers were also very satisfied with it; in the internal competition of the police for the selection of the best preventive action or project in 2006, it received the first prize, and it was also evaluated positively by the Ministry of Education and Sports, which invited primary schools to participate. It is intended for pupils of the sixth grade of the nine-year school program.

In June 2008, the project was implemented for the first time in the entire area of Slovenia.The purpose is to familiarize children with safety issues and self-protective behaviour. In addition, we want them to learn about the work and mission of police officers in society. The project also aims to create a positive image of police officers and increase young people's confidence in their work.

Project progress

Child PoliceOfficer03Pupils are selected to take part in the project by the schools on the basis of their previous work in prevention activities and their own interest in participating in the project. Accompanied by their teacher they visit the police station, where they are received by the chief of police station or his/her deputy. They explain to them the role of the police in society in ensuring the safety of people and their property. They are briefly introduced to security issues and self-protective behavior, the organization of the police and the tasks of police officers (police officers on duty, police officers on patrol, criminal police officers,neighbourhood police officers, etc.).

They are shown the premises, equipment and vehicles used by police officers, and receive a T-shirt and a cap with the inscription "Child - Police Officer" as a souvenir. The neighbourhood police officer and their teacher take them to the "field". Together they observe the preventive work (counselling and warning, formal and informal interview, etc). Then the traffic police officers give a presentation of their work (traffic flow at junctions and roundabouts, knowledge of traffic signs, traffic control, etc.).

Child PoliceOfficer02At the end, at individual police stations, the pupils are given some prevention materials which the police officers distribute during community-oriented policing work. After spending three hours with the police officers, the pupils and their teacher return to school.

During the time spent with the police officers, the safety of pupils is ensured at all times. Visiting the police station is a school activity, so security is subject to school rules. Pupils are not present at police activities where repressive measures are foreseen. The neighbourhood police officer constantly makes sure that the students are not in danger.

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Prevention projcts
Police for children