For many years now, Slovenia has marked the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and the ensuing 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence from 25 November to 10 December. Throughout the year, police officers pay particular attention to the issue of domestic violence, both through operational and preventive activities. During these days, the awareness-raising activities are stepped up to encourage victims to report the crime. This is the only way to stop the violence, to provide the victim with all the necessary help and support, and to take appropriate action against the perpetrator.

We took part in a national conference on measures to protect victims of intimate partner violence

During these days, the police are taking part in or organising various events to raise awareness about the phenomenon of domestic violence and ways to help victims. On Monday, 25 November 2024, the Third National Conference was held, focusing on measures to protect victims of intimate partner violence.

A new handbook on how to identify and deal with domestic violence to be launched soon

This year we have also produced a handbook on domestic violence, aimed at both the lay and professional public. The publication of the handbook will be followed by an awareness-raising campaign to inform the various target audiences about the handling of the crime, the options for protecting the victim and the treatment of perpetrators of violence, in cooperation with various stakeholders.


Letak - otroška riisbica hiške, drevesa, nad njima napis Pravico imaš, da se doma počutiš varno. Pomagali ti bomo. Na dnu je logo slovenske policije.

Victims find it difficult to seek help on their own, so let's help them

Domestic violence is illegal and a criminal offence. Everyone has the right to live in a safe environment where they will not be exposed to acts of violence. For victims, especially those who have been in a violent environment for many years and whose social network and financial situation have been reduced as a result, leaving a violent relationship is an extremely difficult step. Victims are often afraid, ashamed, frustrated, angry and fear retaliation from the perpetrator. Sometimes they are unable to take this step alone. In such cases, the police urge anyone who is aware of a domestic violence case to make a report on behalf of the victim to help them get out of their difficult situation.

 Report domestic violence, call 113!

The police deal with every report of domestic violence in a professional manner, in accordance with their powers. Victims or witnesses can report violence at the nearest police station, by calling the police emergency number 113, online or by e-mail.