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Based on a risk analysis and an assessment of the situation at the external Schengen border, measures have been adopted in line with the regulation in order to reduce waiting times at border crossings. The purpose is to make sure cross-border flow remains as smooth as possible while measures to keep the EU secure are in place.

The police may, on an as-needed basis and having regard to proportionality, suspend systematic checks of passengers posing a low-level risk. The measures will stay in place until the situation is normalised.

IMG 4715

A working meeting is to be called by the European Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, Dimitris Avramopoulos, early next week to discuss the open issues related to systematic border checks at the external Schengen borders. Slovenia will thoroughly inform on the situation, and put forward a set of proposals advocated already during the regulation preparation phase. Alongside these proposals, Slovenia is to stand firm in its view that for the measures to be effective all regulation-implementing states need to be adequately prepared. The Ministry of the Interior is to work closely with the representatives of the European Commission and Commissioner Avramopoulos and cooperate with the Republic of Croatia both at the operational and political levels.

Read also:

Systematic border checks of all travellers at external Schengen borders to start on 7 April (press release, 29. 3. 2017)