With Slovenia's entry into the Schengen area, an amended regime for crossing the border will come into force, established through the decision of the Permanent Mixed Commission under the Agreement between the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Croatia on Border Traffic and Cooperation.
Persons crossing the border with local border traffic passes and agricultural certificates at locations which will be closed with gates will require special keys to cross the border.
Persons crossing the border with local border traffic passes and agricultural certificates at locations which will be closed with gates will require special keys to cross the border.
Administrative units will distribute keys to those citizens of the Republic of Slovenia and Republic of Croatia from 10 December 2007 onwards with a registered permanent residence in Slovenia, entitled to cross the border at closed road points. Police directorates will also distribute keys to all persons who have been issued documents by Croatian authorities who possess permanent residence in Croatia. The police will also be competent for reports on lost keys.
All persons entitled to the keys should report to their administrative units after 10 December 2007 and arrange everything necessary for the prompt receipt of keys and instructions on the use or co-use of keys at border crossings. This particularly applies to persons requiring the key for daily use although they can obtain the key at any time following the commencement of their issue so as to avoid initial crowds at the administrative units. Persons are required to bring their local border traffic passes and agricultural certificates with them.