As part of regular annual training, in March the members of the Special Unit participated in training to work in difficult winter conditions. In the Special Unit, such training is organised every year, since being highly trained is essential for the Special Unit members to successfully perform the tasks assigned to this Unit.
This year's training was divided into three segments: training on ski slopes, movement in difficult winter conditions and tactical procedures.
The purpose of the training was to improve the professional preparedness of police officers of the Special Unit of the General Police Directorate to work in difficult winter conditions in case of various terrorist threats in hilly and mountainous terrain. Apart from good physical preparation, without which it is impossible to perform necessary tasks in difficult conditions, the police officers were also improving special skills, such as off-piste and alpine skiing.
During the camp, a whole day of tactical practice was undertaken, based on a hypothetical scenario that an armed robbery had occurred in the territory of Tržič. This was aimed at checking the organisation and functioning of the tactical operations centre (TOC), movement as a group and individually in difficult winter conditions, orientation, movement using maps and GPS, camouflage and finally the successful arrest of the offenders. The practice began between Begunje na Gorenjskem and Tržič, continued to Bistriška Planina and Lešanska Planina, and finished on Dobrča.
For the last day of the winter camp, two climbs to Komna and Vogar were on the programme, when in a pleasant atmosphere, the "specials" repeated and developed the techniques of movement in difficult winter conditions, and practiced their skills and knowledge of procedures in case of mountain accidents. They also tested the equipment they have for such work.
Despite the usual bad weather for the training, the "specials" always perform their tasks with excellence.
A training programme was also set up for members of the Croatian Special Unit. It included methods of learning prescribed by the ski school at the Association of Ski Teachers and Trainers of Slovenia, and the Croatian colleagues successfully received the title of Alpine Ski Teacher of the first grade. Besides practical work, the participants attended lectures which connected theoretical content with practical work on the ski slopes.