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The police have participated in the interministerial campaign "Alcohol kills - mostly innocent people", aimed at greater road safety, throughout December.

On the weekend of 12 to 14 December, police will be supervising even more strictly drivers' psychophysical condition.

As already announced at a press conference late in November, police officers will perform strict traffic control across the country in partnership with traffic police forces in other EU Member States.

To ensure better safety for other road users, police officers will remove from traffic vehicles with drivers who do not observe the law and ignore warnings related to driving while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or psychoactive substances.

081212 PoostrenNadzorPrometa

We repeat our recommendations to all road users:

  • do not drive if you have drunk alcohol (regardless of quantity);
  • in such cases it is better to use public transport, to take a taxi or to ask a friend with a valid driver's licence who has not drunk any alcohol, to drive;
  • adjust your driving speed to the road conditions; during this season, the road surface is cold, during daytime often wet, and icebound and slippery at night, so even good winter tyres do not hold the surface well;
  • pay attention to pedestrians; there are often no pavements outside urban areas, so pedestrians should use the left hand side of the roadway;
  • pedestrians should dress in bright clothes and use visible safety accessories; "Be safe, be SEEN!";
  • do not use mobile phones without a hands-free set while driving;
  • drivers should comply with the provisions of all regulations covering road traffic, in particular those relating to speed, priority, overtaking, use of seat belts and mobile phones, and those relating to safe distance from other vehicles;

We recommend that all organisers of public events and owners of bars and restaurants take care when selling alcoholic drinks and adhere to the provisions of the Act Restricting the Use of Alcohol, since their visitors include some who will drive after leaving the premises.

We wish you a safe journey!