In the summer season, traffic towards tourist resorts is always congested with frequent traffic jams on roads and at border crossings. We therefore advise drivers to follow traffic information and leave in good time! We also call your attention to the temporary reintroduction of border control on the border with Italy, which will be carried out between 28 June and 15 July. Before departure, check the validity of your travel documents.
All persons who have to cross the border with Italy in the following days are warned that from 28 June to 15 July 2009 the Italian security authorities will carry out systematic border control at all their border crossings For crossing this border during the above mentioned period you will need a valid identification document (identity card or passport).
Italy decided to reintroduce temporary 18-day border checks on all its borders with France, Switzerland, Austria, and Slovenia for the sake of more efficient provision of safety during the G8 summit meeting to be held between 10 and 12 July 2009 in Aquila. This is a possibility that is envisaged and allowed by the Schengen agreement.
During summer holidays, increased traffic and longer queues and waiting times to pass the border are also expected at border crossings with Croatia. Occasional jams are also possible on roads leading to border crossings.
The largest number of travellers and vehicles in both directions is expected at the following international border crossings: Gruškovje, Obrežje, Metlika, Petrina, Jelšane, Starod, Sočerga, Dragonja and at the border crossing - Sečovlje checkpoint. Travellers are therefore recommended to use the less frequented border crossings instead.
Drive slowly, patiently and carefully during traffic jams!
- Follow traffic information and travel, if possible, when there are no jams on the roads.
- Take with you a sufficient quantity of alcohol-free refreshment beverages, stop more often than otherwise and take a break.
- Particularly in summer, drivers are prone to fatigue due to sunlight and heating of the car during driving. Fatigue occurs most often between 01 and 06 in the morning and 14.00 and 16.00 in the afternoon.
- Always begin the trip well rested and in a good mental and physical state; if you become tired during driving, stop for rest as soon as possible.
- If you need any medicines, do not forget to take them with you.
Drivers are warned to be patient and observe traffic regulations, in particular to observe speed limits and safety distance.
During this time, police officers will be present at all critical sections where accidents are more frequent, as well as in case of jams, where police officers will help road users, and in accordance with their infrastructural capacity, try to ensure the highest possible traffic flow. Police officers will also be present on alternative roads where traffic is not so dense, yet serious traffic accidents frequently occur on these routes.
In case of standing vehicle queues on motorways and other roads where jams occur, police officers will monitor and consistently take measures against those who overtake, reverse or pass by on the emergency lane or fast lanes despite a traffic sign that prohibits overtaking. We will also often check driving under the influence of alcohol, which causes traffic accidents in summer months almost as often as in December. We will promptly inform the public on possible traffic jams and waiting times at border crossings.
Information on road conditions is also published by the Traffic Information Centre.
During the tourist season, police officers more often have to deal with tourists who do not have appropriate travel documents, or else the validity of their travel documents has expired. In such cases, Slovenian citizens are not allowed to cross the state border, while foreign citizens are refused to enter the state because of invalid travel documents.
Therefore, if you are travelling abroad you are advised to check before departure the validity of your travel documents and the validity of the documents of children and - do not forget to take your documents with you.
List of border crossings in Slovenia
For all persons crossing the external border, police officers carry out, both at the entry into and exit from the country, a basic border control with the purpose of establishing their identity on the basis of submission of their travel documents.
For citizens of third countries, in addition to the basic border control, also a thorough border control is carried out, encompassing more strict checking of the conditions for entry and exit, as well mandatory stamping of passports.
We would also like to remind you that, from June of this year, there has entered into force an amendment of the Travel Documents Amendment Act (Official Journal of RS, No. 41/2009, which abolishes the legal representative's permit for children up to the completed age of 15 years who travel abroad or from abroad without the escort of a legal representative.
Thus, from 16 June 2009, citizens can travel abroad or from abroad only with a valid travel document (a passport or an identity card), irrespective of their age.
This abolishment applies also to group permits when minors travel without escort by a legal representative in organised groups. The Ministry of the Interior o the Republic of Slovenia recommends that, also in the case of organised group travels (excursions, organised vacations, participation in sports, cultural and other events of minors), a list of group members should be still drawn up, thus enabling easier and faster border control.
An exemption applies to child travel to Bosnia and Herzegovina.