In the Slovenian Police we are aware the education on safety is highly important; therefore, we devote many preventive projects to children. Within the week of the child, on 9 October 2009 we prepared an event for pupils who participated last year as fifth-graders in the project Police Officer Leon Advises and responded to the contest. The best papers, songs and pictures were exhibited, while the best nine authors will be awarded by adventure awards.
The project was implemented the first time in Koroška in 2007 in accordance with the German Police model; however, due to large success among pupils and support of parents and teachers we expanded it last year to the entire territory of Slovenia. Throughout the year, fifth-grade pupils of elementary schools together with a police officer - head of the safety district, their mentors, teachers and parents considered various safety topics and fulfilled tasks in the workbook Police Officer Leon Advises. The workbook contains educative stories and advice on how to treat vandalism and various types of violence, meeting illegal drugs and use of pyrotechnics, protecting property, traffic safety, sport activities, etc. In the end, children received commendations and awards for successful participation in the project.
Within the framework of the project, we opened an invitation to tender for the best paper, drawing or song on the topic, 'My experience with a police officer', 'How safe are we on the road?', 'My valet, mobile phone and watch are gone'. At the General Police Directorate we received a total of 315 original contributions: papers, songs, pictures in various techniques, cartoons, posters, even some dolls and clay figures, produced by approximately 355 pupils from 52 elementary schools. Why approximately? Namely, some projects were collective work; therefore, we couldn't award them with the main awards. However, two classes of the elementary school Murska Sobota II, which created two excellent movies, will receive by post some group awards.
The contributions were assessed by a commission composed of six members from various police services; in the Police Academy we exhibited the best 47 contributions, the authors of which gathered at the end event on 9 October 2009 and received awards for the best works. We assessed original ideas, creativity, and quality preparation of the products; for written work, we used also the criteria of skills in bringing ideas into words and the use of vocabulary.
The most successful pupil of the contest with the Deputy Director General of the Police M.A. Tatjana Bobnar (in the background in the middle) and inspectors for the preventive area at the General Police Directorate.
The most successful nine authors received the main awards: three will be able to take a ride with a helicopter, three will be take a ride with a police boat, and the remaining three will be able to ride a service horse.
One of the award recipients and Mojca Rode
M.A. Tatjana Bobnar
Children were also addressed by the Deputy Director General of the Police M.A. Tatjana Bobnar. She emphasized that the safety and welfare of our children must be our primary care. Therefore, police officers are joining with advice and warnings for better safety of children in traffic to the activities of national institutions responsible for the protection of children and their rights.
We sincerely congratulate all the winners!
Candidates for police officers who are being trained at the Police Academy were also eager to see the exhibition.
After the ceremony and the visit of the exhibition, police officers presented to the children the service dog Arni, who showed them his knowledge and skills. Furthermore, the children were able to see a police officer on motorcycle, and showed a lot of interest in the police "van" and police equipment.