In co-operation with the Police and Road Safety Education and Accident Prevention Council, the Party with your Head Foundation concluded the eighth season of this project with a family event on Saturday 6 December 2008.
For a number of years the Police have participated in the "Party with your Head" project aimed at promotion of a healthy life, creative spending of free time and pastime without consumption of alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs.
At the individual events, police officers presented equipment and devices for detection of drugs and alcohol in the human body, speedometers and a motorcycle-riding simulator to the audience. On these occasions, police officers gave road safety advice to young people and their parents, warned of the dangers caused by fast and imprudent driving, driving under the influence of alcohol and illicit drugs, and tried to raise their awareness about road safety drawing their attention to the importance of using seat belts, the importance of being seen as a pedestrian, etc.
Beside their regular tasks, police officers often participate in various preventative projects aimed at promoting traffic awareness of young people, as vulnerable road users.
Police officers also managed to attract attention of the youngest
Participants in the autumn events showed great interest in the topics presented by police officers, including road safety. At the closing event, which took place at the Mercator Centre, Ljubljana, police officers from the Road Safety Unit Ljubljana talked about issues relating to motorcycling. Participants could use a special simulator intended for training motorcyclists in safe riding. It is currently used to train police officers in safe motorcycle riding before the motorcycling season.
The Party with the Head Foundation uses an amusing way to warn people of the incompatibility of consumption of alcohol and illicit drugs with road safety. The main theme of these activities is known under the title: "Drive wise". The project is proof that it is possible to have fun without alcohol, tobacco and drugs.
Concerted action from the relevant government institutions and NGOs has already yielded results with young people who have accepted the need for complete sobriety to ensure safety on the roads.