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On Saturday, 28 November 2009, we had the last "Z glavo na zabavo" (Party With Your Head) event at Mercator Centre, Ljubljana, which brought to an end a series of successful events which have taken place since September every Saturday in Mercator shopping centres all over Slovenia. In addition to the organisers, the "Z glavo na zabavo" Foundation and the Road Safety Council, more than 50 policemen, criminal investigators and other police staff participated in these events.


The relaxed and amusing prevention events intended for families with small children showed very clearly that the idea of spending free time in a healthy way and fun and entertainment without alcohol enjoys widespread support among the general public. The ten events sparked interest all over Slovenia in promoting a healthy lifestyle and raising awareness of the importance of road safety.

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Police officers distributed reflective armbands for better visibility in road traffic

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The youngest visitors were enthusiastic about coloured balloons with a picture of police officer Leon on them.

The young people had fun with representatives of Generacija Nulanula, who produced charming music.  There were also a magician, a juggler and a clown, along with many other animators who led a wide variety of activities on the stage.

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Že prva prireditev, s katero smo 19. septembra v Domžalah ''zagnali kolesje'' projekta, je pokazala, da ima ideja o zdravem preživljanju prostega časa in zabavah brez alkohola veliko podporo med ljudmi. Deset prireditev, ki so navduševale obiskovalce po celi Sloveniji, je uspešno promoviralo zdrav življenjski slog in krepilo zavest o pomenu varnosti v cestnem prometu.

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S preventivnimi aktivnostmi so na prireditvah sodelovali tudi policisti in policistke, ki so obiskovalcem svetovali o varnosti v cestnem prometu, jih opozarjali na nevarnosti prehitre in neprevidne vožnje, vožnje pod vplivom alkohola in prepovedanih drog ter na upoštevanje cestnoprometnih pravil.

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Some instructions prior to trying out the motorcycle training simulator.


At these Saturday events, police investigators showed samples of illicit drugs and how to recognise them. Both the children and their concerned parents paid careful attention to the police investigators' advice. Many of the parents were surprised at the "innocent" appearance of the illicit drugs.

A great deal of attention was also paid to the equipment used by police officers in their work. Visitors showed special interest in the police motorcycle, as well as in other pieces of equipment that were on display. They posed many questions about the laser speed-measuring instruments and electronic alcohol tests.

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Journalists were also "blowing".

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Excellent results!

During the events, many visitors got to try the motorcycle training simulator. The younger visitors, used to computer games, sometimes proved to be better riders than older experienced motorcyclists!

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Carefully and slowly

Police officers distributed leaflets about prevention and reflective armbands for better visibility in road traffic. The youngest children enjoyed colourful balloons with a picture of police officer Leon on them.

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All of the events were attended by representatives of the Road Safety Council, who gave instructions on the correct use of safety belts and child safety seats. Visitors could test special scales for showing impact loads, however the keenest interest was shown in the so-called Zaletavček (Crash simulator), which simulates a 10 km/h collision.

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Scales demonstrating impact loads

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''Zaletavček'' (Crash simulator)

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Such events are extraordinarily effective from the point of view of prevention activities, since they encourage close cooperation between the competent institutions and raise awareness of the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

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Their positive attitude and relaxed approach helped in resolving issues related to alcohol and illicit drug use in a more effective way and in drawing more attention to the incompatibility of psychoactive substances and driving.