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At the invitation of Director General of the Macedonian Police Ljupče Trajkovski, the Director General of the Slovenian Police, Jože Romšek, visited the Republic of Macedonia on 20 and 21 March 2008.

The Slovenian delegation also consisted of Director of the Criminal Police Directorate Aleksander Jevšek, Director of the Uniformed Police Directorate Danijel Žibert, and Head of the International Relations Section at the Service of the Director General of the Police Vladimir Pocek.


The directors of the Slovenian and Macedonian police assessed the past cooperation between the two countries, existing mainly on the level of uniformed and criminal police, as very satisfactory. It is also encouraging that the number of illegal Macedonian immigrants in Slovenia is decreasing.

The police leaders underlined the need for further operative cooperation, above all in fighting criminality the so-called Balkan way, primarily in eradicating unlawful drug trafficking and trafficking in human beings, highly taxable goods (for example cigarettes) and in discovering counterfeit travel documents. They also supported the idea of cooperation in police training and the exchange of opinions and experiences regarding European projects. The Director General of the Slovenian Police offered his Macedonian host the opportunity of a short-term secondment of experts for particular areas and a visit to the General Police Directorate

obisk03Director General Todorovski expressed thanks to the Slovenian side for the past cooperation of Slovenian experts in various projects.

At the working meeting, the Slovenian delegation also presented the priorities of the Slovenian Presidency of the European Council in the field of internal affairs and the South Eastern Europe Organised Crime Threat Assessment project, also known as SEE OCTA. The project was presented by Slovenia for the first time at the Salzburg Forum at Brdo in October 2006 and is one of the priority tasks of the Slovenian Presidency. The chiefs of police also discussed police cooperation in the region.
