New police officers responsible for protecting the external Schengen border were officially sworn in at the sports park of the Police Academy today, 2 June 2008, in the presence of the Director General of the Police, Jože Romšek.
Forty-five new female police officers and seventy-three new male police officers took the oath in front of the Director General of the Police.
On 3 December of last year, 147 candidates began training under the police employees training programme for EU external border surveillance. A total of 119 successfully completed the training on the first try, successfully passing the final examination for carrying out police powers. The ranks of the Police will be richer by 45 new female and 73 new male police officers. Those failing to pass the examination on the first try will have the opportunity to retake the examination in the second half of June.
From left: Marko Podlesnik, Dean of the Police Officers School; Franc Kosmač, MSc, Director of the Police Academy; and Jože Romšek, Director General of the Police.
The future police officers obtained the required professional and theoretical knowledge at the Police Academy in Tacen and, within the scope of a six-week practical training programme at police stations, also fortified their practical knowledge, thus also qualifying for future field work, namely external EU border surveillance.
"This has become an extremely responsible task since Slovenia entered the Schengen territory last year on 21 December. The assurance of security in the common Schengen territory is thus extremely important, since the effective implementation of measures on the external border and interior is not only a security interest of Slovenia but also that of the entire area of the European Union," emphasised Marko Podlesnik, Dean of the Police Officers School.
"Your broad-mindedness, communication skills, mutual support, honesty and especially unending eagerness to learn more will prove important as you embark on your new path. At the Police Officers School you have trained and acquired a good basis for professional and lawful work, namely knowledge which is a value which must be continuously nurtured and supplemented, which is especially true for police work. The doors of the Police Academy are always open to you for further training and expert counselling, as well as for obtaining new qualifications," Podlesnik also emphasised, thanking the teaching staff and all colleagues of the Police Academy on this occasion for the preparation, professional implementation and evaluation of the training programme and for the "sincere endeavours to ensure that police officers are as well prepared for future work challenges in the future as possible. I would also like to thank their mentors and the heads of the police stations who accompanied them during their practical training at police units, advising and supporting them."
Among other things, the Director General of the Police, Jože Romšek, thanked all the parents for entrusting their sons and daughters to the new collective - the Slovenian Police.
"The first swearing in of cadets at the Academy for Internal Affairs here in Tacen took place in 1970. Over 9000 people currently work for the Police. Good mutual relations, good management and effective work organisation are particularly required for the successful operation of such a system. This is evident in both the annual report and in the fact that over 700 candidates apply to become a police officer each year," stressed Director General Romšek.
The Director General accentuated the fact that police officers should not forget good mutual relations and good relations with citizens.
"The most important guide on your new path should be as follows: be fair to citizens and to your fellow colleagues. Your work should be based on constant observance of prescribed legislation while maintaining continuous respect and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. We expect that with your work you will contribute to maintaining and raising the image of the Slovenian Police. You can achieve this by being loyal to the collective, through lawful, expert and ethical work and behaviour," concluded the Director General.
Tamara Klenovšek, top of the police class, was given a book award by the Director General.
"Dear Mr. General Director of the Police, on behalf of the Police Academy I am handing over to you our new external border surveillance police officers," proclaimed the Dean of the Police Officers School while 118 police hats were thrown into the air.