The holidays ahead of us are an opportunity for rest and excursions, visiting friends, relatives and cemeteries. We should not forget about our own safety and the safety of our belongings during these days.
Here is some advice on how to take self-protection measures to prevent many inconveniences:
- Increased traffic is expected primarily on roads connecting major cities, at border crossings and around cemeteries, where mourning ceremonies will be held. We advise you to take your trips on time and follow the road traffic rules and possible changes of traffic arrangement in the proximity of cemeteries. Police officers will take different measures in order to provide better safety and flow of traffic, and act against all violators, especially those driving under the influence and who pose a danger to themselves and others by speeding. Be cautious, responsible and patient in road traffic!
- Increasingly shorter days and bad weather, which can surprise us in the autumn period, also demand additional concentration from drivers. A campaign Be careful and VISIBLE in which police officers warned drivers on a daily basis to dive carefully, primarily on dark parts of roads, and pedestrians to take care of their own safety and visibility.
- Do not allow your vehicle in car parks (car parks by cemeteries will be the most visited these days) to become a target for thieves! Do not leave your purses, briefcases, wallets and other valuables in visible places in your vehicles! Protect your vehicles adequately. Close all windows and doors, lock your vehicle and boot, and turn on the alarm. Avoid parking in dark streets or car parks.
- Do not carry your wallets, mobile phones and other valuables in open bags or baskets when you visit cemeteries and other public places. Always keep your valuables in sight when attending graves.
- Be extra cautious when you withdraw cash from automatic telling machines during holidays, when financial institutions are closed. Make sure that nobody is watching when you withdraw the money; do not count or show the money on the street, and avoid dark and isolated places.
- During holidays, apartments, houses and other premises are no more or less vulnerable to burglaries than on other days, but burglars have more time to prepare. This is why it is important for you to adequately secure your homes and property and arrange things so that it seems as if someone is always present in the house or apartment. The best solution is that someone whom you trust looks after your apartment, house or business premises. Ask them to keep emptying your mail-box, park their cars several times in your yard, open and close window blinds, etc. Also make sure that there are no objects or items perpetrators can use (for example, ladder, various tools ...) around the building; check the functioning and protection of locks and sensors for external lights, functioning of alarm systems. You may install time switches in your rooms and connect them with different electrical devices (lights, radio, etc.) which would turn on and off alternately. Take into account fire protection standards. Do not leave messages such as "we are not home" or "we are on a vacation" on your answering machine. Put your valuables in safes or cashiers, and label technical (monitors, computers, projectors ...) and other valuable items with personal characteristics.
If your apartment or house is broken into, immediately call 113 or the nearest police station. Do not enter, because the perpetrators may still be in the building. Do not leave the place of burglary and make sure that you do not destroy traces of evidence (do not touch items, do not walk through the rooms etc.) that may be important for further investigation.
If you become a victim of a crime or you see the perpetrator, we advise you to immediately inform the police by telephone number 113. Also inform the police about potential suspicious persons.
We wish you safe and pleasant holidays