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During the Christmas-New Year holidays, some bottlenecks at the border crossings to Croatia may be expected, in particular at busier border crossings and those in Primorska.

Therefore, motorists are advised to use other border crossings (Vinica, Metlika, Rogatec and Zavrč) when the Obrežje and Gruškovje crossings are congested. In case of frequent traffic at the Dragonja and Se?ovlje border crossings, motorists should use the crossings at So?erga and Podgorje.

Motorists are also advised to set out on journeys earlier than usual. They should use alternative border crossings rather than the main border crossings to Croatia.

A list of all border crossings is available on police websites; information on bottlenecks at border crossings can also be found here.

Information on road conditions is published by the Traffic Information Centre.