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At the celebration on the eve of the anniversary of Operation Sever, we recalled the events of twenty years ago.


The main celebration of the 20th anniversary of Operation Sever (North), held on 30 November 2009 in Gallus Hall at Cankarjev Dom in Ljubljana, was attended by numerous distinguished guests.


The ceremony was inaugurated by the Minister of the Interior, Katarina Kresal, who said in her address that "the people's militia, in contravention to the repressive bodies of the former Eastern Bloc, played an important role as a defender of political liberalisation and democracy. The action of the militia justified and confirmed the legitimacy, reputation and trust of the people." She added that the decision of preventing the meeting had been courageous and wise, and that the action itself had been carried out seriously and professionally.   Altogether, it represented an important piece in the mosaic of democratic processes of the Slovenian society.


The speaker of honour of the ceremony was the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr Danilo Türk. First, the President thanked all the participants in Operation Sever for successfully protecting Slovenia, human rights and the whole community against one of the greatest threats in the recent history of our country. "Now, two decades later, we can hardly imagine what the consequences would have been if Operation Sever had not succeeded or if violence had occurred, which would have cast a shadow on the democratic transformation of Slovenia. ..." It is essential to know the history and to understand it in full. It is necessary to know and understand all historical facts and historical issues and their solutions and communication values for the present time." He added that security cannot be taken for granted and does not come by itself; on the contrary, serious efforts must be made and "the work of the police, which is invaluable in providing security and inspiring the related feeling of all citizens, must be appreciated."

A few hours before the ceremony, the President awarded the Silver Order for Services to Dr Tomaž Čas, Tomaž Ertl and Leopold Jesenko for exceptional work and services in the area of security, defence and protection of the Republic of Slovenia during Operation Sever.


The ceremony was moderated by Tjaša Železnik, who asked Pavel Čelik and Dr Tomaž Čas to say a few words.

In addition to the Police Orchestra, the Vijolice String Quartet, Tina Marinšek, Pero Lovšin, the Gal in Galeristi group, Tinkara Kovač and the Fourklor dancers took part in the cultural part of the programme. The ceremony was broadcast live on the Slovenian national radio and television network.
