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At the Tacen Police Academy training range, police officers on motorcycles competed on 2 October 2009 in the sixth annual test of skilful motorcycle riding. Despite the heavy rain during the first run and bad driving conditions in the second run, police officers have again proven their professional skills.

 MG 3270

Police officers used motorcycles BMW R 1150 RT and Honda Deauvile NT 700; they competed in team and individual competitions.

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The purpose of the annual testing is to check the qualifications of police officers on motorcycles in skilful motorcycle-riding. Police officers on motorcycles from traffic police stations of all eleven police directorates and Security and Protection Office participated in the testing. The qualifications and skills outside competition were tested also by police officers from other police stations who are performing their work on motorcycles, military police officers and salvors.

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Visitors were able to see nine exercises that police officers on motorcycles had to perform without mistakes: start, slalom, setup of the motorcycle, cover, sharp turns, straight driving, eight turns, ball transfer in a corridor and finish by knocking down a bar.

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At the end of the event, the Director General of the Police Janko Goršek together with the head of the testing Andrej Ošlak awarded the best with awards, medals and cups.

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Director General of the Police with the team of the Security and Protection Office

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