On 25 September a discussion panel "Internet child abuse: proportions and effective action" was held inLjubljana, gathering more than 200 representatives of the police, prosecution authorities, judiciary, education authorities, NGOs, children's institutions, as well as academic experts and students.
Marjan Fank as Director of the Criminal Police Directorate pointed out that child abuse is a serious social problem and underlined alarming statistics showing several thousand new child abuse images posted on the internet every year. The Slovenian police have recorded 1,726 sexual offences against minors since 2007 (122 of which this year). 191 offences consisted of presentation, manufacture, possession and distribution of pornographic material under Article 176 of the Penal Code (KZ-1).
Adele Desirs from Interpol shared her insight about the issue of internet child abuse at a global level and explained how it affects individual countries.