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Trucks are involved in about 10 percent of all traffic accidents on Slovenian roads. Every year the police officers find around 32.000 violations committed by truck drivers. Most frequently such vehicles are overloaded, the drivers do not respect the regulations concerning the length of the duration of driving and obligatory rest periods, these are followed by manipulations of tachograph and technical imperfections of vehicles. 

Our Police is therefore constantly introducing new, innovative approaches for higher traffic safety. The Specialized Traffic Control Unit has been joined  on highways by the colleagues from the Office of informatics and telecommunications, which recorded all offences with video surveillance systems.

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The truck drivers that are using mobile phones or other interfering devices, or are, respectively, not paying attention to what?s happening on the road, thus endanger other participants in traffic. More than half of long distance truck drivers are facing sleepiness.

The Specialized Traffic Control Unit is active on the entire Slovenian territory. Their basic field of work is the traffic control, particularly the control of trucks, busses, taxis, vehicles of driving schools, vans and motorcycles.

In the first six months of this year 1.091 truck drivers were involved in traffic accidents, in more than half of these cases they also caused them.


The STCU dedicates the majority of its attention to the overloading of trucks, their technical impeccability, to the control of the duration of the length of driving and obligatory rest periods, to psychophysical conditions of drivers as well as to the transports of dangerous materials and to the escorting of extraordinary transports.