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On 29 July 2021, the leaders of the Montenegrin police paid a visit to the Slovenian police. The five-member delegation from Montenegro was received at the premises of the Ministry of the Interior by State Secretary Dr Božo Predalič and Director General of the Police Dr Anton Olaj with his colleagues.

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Dr Olaj and his Montenegrin colleagues discussed the cooperation between the two police forces, which Olaj said was at a high level, adding that Montenegro's security authorities were an important partner of the Slovenian police. Among the topics of discussion were, in particular, the excellent cooperation in the field of criminal police, which both sides wish to strengthen, the cooperation of the special police units, and training and education of police officers.

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The delegation of the Montenegrin police was composed of Zoran Brđanin, Acting Director of the Police Administration in Montenegro, Dejan Knežević, Acting Assistant Director for the Fight against Crime Division, Miloš Rakonjac, Acting Assistant Director for the Special Purposes Police Division, Petar Krstajić, Head of the International Police Cooperation and Public Relations Section, and Selma Mehović, Coordinator for International Police Cooperation.

In addition to State Secretary Dr Božo Predalič and Director General of the Police Dr Anton Olaj, the Slovenian delegation included Danijel Žibret, Deputy Director General of the Police, Dr Igor Lamberger, Assistant Director of the Criminal Police Directorate, Damjan Žagar, Commander of the Special Unit, Bojan Oman, Head of the Security and Protection Centre, Boris Železnik, Head of the International Police Operations Division, and Andrea Žegarac, coordinator in this division.

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At the Police Academy in Tacen near Ljubljana, the visitors were given a detailed presentation of the work and equipment of the Special Unit, the Security and Protection Centre and the Riot Police Unit. They concluded the meeting with a visit to the Air Support Unit.