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As part of the celebrations for the Police Day, 187 police commemorative badges were awarded on Wednesday, 24 June 2009, in Tacen to the 21st generation of the Police Cadet School who completed their studies in the emergency situation in June 1991.

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Commemorative badges were given to former cadets by the advisor to the Minister of the Interior, Branko Celar, and Deputy General Director of the Police, Tatjana Bobnar. The celebration was also attended by the then Headmaster of the Police Cadet School, Bojan Potočnik, representatives of teachers and educators.

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The official speaker was the advisor to the Minister, Branko Celar.

The commemorative badge of the police to the "21st generation of Police Cadet School" shall be given to cadets of the 21st generation, who completed their education on 27 June 1991, at the beginning of the war. Having lost the sixth-months' traineeship, they then included themselves as young police officers immediately after the completed studies into the work at police stations all over Slovenia.

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Deputy General Director of the Police, Tatjana Bobnar

Deputy General Director of the Police, Tatjana Bobnar, emphasised in her address the role of the teachers' council, who "with their knowledge, experiences and personal feeling formed, from inexperienced boys, trustworthy police officers on whom in critical moments we could place all our hopes for a better tomorrow."

"That everything ended as it should, much of the merit goes to a large extent to the pedagogical staff who received 14-, 15-year-old boys at Tacen and successfully educated them in four years to be determined police officers; trained them to efficiently perform their tasks and to become mature, strong and responsible personalities." Owing to dedicated professional work of your teachers, which often exceeded mere fulfilling of duties, you were entrusted with a responsible task in the most sensitive circumstances", added Ms Bobnar.

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The trio of the Police orchestra ensured a pleasant atmosphere.

The cadets were also addressed by the then Headmaster of the Police Cadet School, Bojan Potočnik, who stressed the significance of that generation, and added that "a master's thesis or even a doctoral thesis could be written about them. This generation should also be given a proper place in history books."

During the award, Janko Goršek, Acting General Director of the Police, unexpectedly joined in the gathering; he stressed the role played by the cadets of the 21st generation eighteen years ago, and thanked them for their contribution to the independence of Slovenia.

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The gathered participants were also addressed by Janko Goršek, Acting Director General of the Police, and Bojan Potočnik, the headmaster of the Police Cadet School.

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From left: Bojan Potočnik, the headmaster of the Police Cadet School, Friderik Likavec, head of the 21st generation - company commander, educators Vid Drašček, Franc Misja and Franjo Štebih.

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