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On the first day of a two-week intensified control of motorcycle riders, five motorcyclists, four of whom were police officers, shared their experience, thoughts and advice with other motorcyclists. They appeared at a press conference held on 13 June 2011 at the Police Academy in Tacen. The main topic of the press conference was the visibility of motorcyclists, as we are looking to encourage them to wear high-visibility clothing and protective equipment.

The police will carry out intensified controls of motorcyclists all over the country between 13 and 26 June 2011. Compliance with speed limits and other traffic regulations, the psychophysical condition of drivers and the roadworthiness of vehicles will be checked. Matjaž Šinkovec, the Deputy Director General of the Police, explained that 'the purpose behind all police activities is to ensure road traffic safety'.

As of 12 June 2011, twelve motorcyclists have died on Slovenian roads. The number of casualties was the same as that during the same period last year and the year before. In 2010, two mopedists died and one in 2009.

Half of the casualties involved were not responsible for causing the accidents, but were the victims of other road users failing to give way.


Drivers often fail to notice a motorcyclist or misjudge their speed. Šinkovec added:"The Police have prepared a proposal for appropriate financial relief for the purchase and promotion of high-visibility equipment, and sent it to the Road Traffic Safety Agency for its perusal. We believe that cheaper equipment and, as a result, the more frequent use of such means of protection would increase the safety of motorcyclists and other road users."

Police officers are seeking to encourage motorcyclists to use high-visibility clothing and protective equipment (helmet, jacket, warning vest, etc.). Such means of protection are not very popular among motorcyclists since the fluorescent colours and different materials required are more expensive; however, this lack of popularity is also because awareness of the importance of being visible in traffic needs to be strengthened.


Andrej Rupnik said that the key factors that have an influence on motorcycle safety are the rider's psychophysical condition, his awareness of his own knowledge and skills and engine capacity, and whether sufficient attention is paid to the weather and traffic conditions.


Sports reporter Mitja Gustinčič gave some practical advice on the dangers of the road.


Robert Kranjec, a top ski jumper employed by the Police, said: "Be tolerant, keep a safe distance, use appropriate speed and make sure you are highly visible on the motorcycle."


Theatre actor Janez Hočevar-Rifle made this comparison between the motorcyclists of today and the past.