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Five members of the French National Police who served at the reception centre in Gruškovje between 9 and 29 November 2015 completed their mission in Slovenia.

While still on duty, they were visited by the French Police Attaché Pierre Couve from the French embassy in Vienna, who is responsible for Slovenia. 

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The photograph shows the French police contingent, Rafael Viltužnik, Assistant Director of Maribor Police Directorate (far left), next to him Piere Couve, French Police Attaché, and  Bojan Gregorič, coordinator for foreign police officers and Assistant Commander of Gruškovje Border Police Station (far right).

When the Slovenian police was faced with massive influx of refugees and migrants making their way through Slovenia to reach Western Europe, French police officers came to the aid in the spirit of European cooperation, integration and protection of the Schengen area. We hope that the French fellow officers will not remember only sad refugee stories but will also have positive impressions of our country, its hospitable people and beautiful surroundings.

Police Activities in Connection with Current Migration Flows