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On 30 November 2015, Karoly Papp, Director General of the Hungarian Police, paid a visit to the Hungarian police officers who were assisting the Slovenian police in managing the migration flow and protecting the Schengen border.

At Gorišnica Police Station, he met Marjan Fank, Director General of the Slovenian Police, and Danijel Lorbek, Director of Maribor Police Directorate.

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The Hungarian Police Chief (in the middle) was brought up to speed with the experiences of the Slovenian police in their surveillance of the external Schengen border before and after the erection of physical barriers. Director General Fank expressed his thanks to his counterpart for the assistance provided by the Hungarian police in managing the migration flow.

20 and 32 Hungarian officers are serving in the area of Maribor and Murska Sobota Police Directorates, respectively. The Hungarian contingent of 52 police officers is due to complete its mission in Slovenia on 3 December. It will be replaced by another group of Hungarian officers on 28 December 2015.

Police Activities in Connection with Current Migration Flows