The most serious violations on the motorways are excessive speed, insufficient safety distance, reversing, overtaking on the right, walking on the motorway, driving in the opposite direction and stopping in the emergency lane when it is not necessary. All of the "seven deadly sins" on the motorway are extremely dangerous for all road users!
Drivers on motorways should therefore strictly follow certain traffic rules:
- Driving, parking or stopping is prohibited on the shoulder of a motorway or expressway, except in an emergency and when stopping to provide necessary assistance. It is also prohibited to turn, reverse, stop or park on the carriageway of the motorway and expressway. The driver can stop his vehicle in the parking areas of the rest areas, but not on the shoulders or even on the carriageway. During storms, hail or similar events, we recommend driving with extra caution, adjusting your speed to the conditions and pulling out of traffic at the first appropriate place (rest area, exit, etc. ).
- Overtaking on the right side on the motorway and expressway is not allowed (the exception is the platform in front of the toll booth).
- When the traffic is heavier, it often happens that the vehicle that overtakes the vehicle in front drives at a lower speed than the permitted speed. Drivers following such a vehicle should be patient. The use of sound and light signals is only allowed when the driver himself or someone else is at risk. Therefore, we recommend, first of all, keeping a sufficient safety distance and being patient until the driver in front of you has finished overtaking.
- Consistently observe the safety distance! Many drivers still do not respect the safety distance rules, especially when they are driving behind a vehicle they want to overtake.
- Driving in the left lane when the driver is not overtaking any vehicle is prohibited. The right lane is intended for driving.
The lives of individuals often depend on the timely arrival of emergency services. In the event of a traffic congestion on a motorway or expressway, drivers must immediately create an emergency corridor between the queues of vehicles that is wide enough for the safe driving of intervention vehicles. Vehicles stopping or standing in the leftmost traffic lane must move as far to the left as possible, even across the edge line of the directional carriageway. Vehicles stopping or standing in the remaining traffic lanes must move as far to the right as possible, even across the edge line of the directional carriageway, which also includes the hard shoulder. This obligation applies whenever traffic is stopped for various reasons.
- All posted traffic signals must be observed (traffic signs, lit red light in front of tunnels prohibiting drivers from entering, ground markings, etc.).
- A driver who realizes that he has driven into the opposite lane on the motorway must immediately move his vehicle from traffic areas. The driver should immediately inform the police or the road operator and ask them to secure the area when turning the vehicle. Drivers who have been informed about the driving of such a driver through mass media must reduce their speed, turn on their hazard lights if necessary and move to the right traffic lane of the directional carriageway (they must not overtake the vehicles in front of them). Driving in the opposite direction is extremely dangerous!
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