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Minister of the Interior Dragutin Mate in Director General of the Police Jože Romšek received six police officers, five citizens and a top athlete employed with the Police in the Grand Meeting Room of the Ministry of the Interior, Štefanova 2, Ljubljana today.

Romsek Mate

Minister and Director General thanked everybody for successful work and presented them with medals of the Police for bravery and a silver shield of the Police. They showed exceptional courage in rescuing people or property and in the performance of security-related tasks and contributed to the reputation of the police.


Mr Damjan Stamenovič was awarded a medal for bravery for saving an unconscious man from the Ljubljanica river on 20. 8. 2007.


Medals for bravery were also awarded to Mr Gregor Intihar, Mr Dušan Klobasa, a police inspector in the General Police Directorate, Mr Aleksander Marić, Mr Oliver Nastovski and Mijodrag Radić, who rescued a driver from a burning car, saving her life.


Medals for bravery were awarded to police officers Stanko Fakin, Dejan Kink and Grega Pšeničnik from the Krško Police Directorate, for stopping a man who threatened to activate explosive devices attached to his body, hand grenades and a pistol. With their action they prevented the worst consequences and put their lives at risk.

Podelitev Fakin

Medals for bravery were awarded to police officers Bojan Rozina and Peter Oberčkal for rescuing a drowning woman from the Ljubljanica river despite a strong current.

Za mizo skupna

Peter Mankoč, top athlete employed with the Police, was awarded a silver shield of the Police. Mr Mankoč, who represents both Slovenia and the Police at swimming competitions, has won a number of medals at international championships and other events. He also attends preventive, educational and promotional programmes and events organised by the Police.

Podelitev Mankoc

Minister of the Interior Dragutin Mate and Director General of the Police Jože Romšek congratulated all present, especially the police, and praised their legal, professional and efficient work.