On 6 and 7 March Moravske Toplice hosted a conference on police cooperation in South East Europe. The aim of the conference was to bring police cooperation in South East Europe in practice and achieve the highest possible level of prevention of all kinds of organised and cross-border crime.
Beside representatives of the Slovenian interior ministry and the police, the conference was attended also by police representatives from Albania, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia.
Participants debated which factors most threaten security in particular countries and the region as well as which forms of cooperation between police forces are most effective. Activities connected to the Brdo process, priorities of crime prevention in the region and innovative solutions for ensuring the security of citizens during the austerity period were also presented. Police representatives visited the Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation in Dolga vas, where police officers from Austria, Croatia, Hungary and Slovenia work together.