At a press conference today, the head of the Traffic Police Section at the General Police Directorate, Robert Sušanj, and the president of the European Traffic Police Network (TISPOL), Wolfgang Blindenbacher, presented the Lifesaver project and the international seminar on road safety which is taking place today and tomorrow (3 and 4 December 2008) in Brdo pri Kranju and involves a number of European traffic experts.
The seminar is organised by the TISPOL in conjunction with the General Police Directorate as part of the Lifesaver project. The aim of the Lifesaver project, which begins this year and which will be run by TISPOL with funding from the European Commission, is to reduce the number of deaths in accidents on Europe's roads. To this end, European traffic police forces will work together at the strategic, tactical and operational levels.
Soundtrack by Wolfgang Blindenbacher (mp3, 4 MB)
According to TISPOL president Wolfgang Blindenbacher, the Lifesaver project will run for three years. In order to direct and coordinate work in the sphere of road safety more effectively, various seminars will be organised at the administrative and strategic level (e.g. for police unit commanders). Traffic officers will take part in working visits and exchanges of good practice and a specialist manual will be prepared. Thematic seminars and three international conferences on road safety will be organised for all TISPOL members. Most of the seminars will take place in the six TISPOL member states: Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Slovenia.
European traffic police forces, including the Slovenian traffic police, will also carry out 27 stringent joint controls in connection with the problems of speed, alcohol and drugs, cargo transport and the use of safety belts.
Robert Sušanj, the head of the Traffic Police Section, explained that two seminars for officials in strategic positions and three seminars for middle-ranking administrative personnel will take place in Slovenia before the conclusion of the project in 2011. Representatives of other ministries and services and of police forces from neighbouring countries will also be invited to these seminars. Two meetings of the project committee will also be held in Slovenia. TISPOL provides both the preparation of seminar contents and funding for the entire project. 'At these seminars, which will be attended by top European experts, our government officials and police unit commanders will gain direct exposure to practices and strategies used in other countries in this sphere and will be able to compare the quality of our work with that of police forces in other countries,' said Sušanj. 'The seminars will also be an important opportunity for us to present our own good solutions, successful methodologies and effective approaches in road traffic control.'
At the current international seminar taking place in Brdo pri Kranju, the welcome address by Robert Sušanj will be followed by a presentation of road safety in Slovenia by Bojan Žlender, the head of the Education and Training Council at the Ministry of Transport. Danijel Žibret, the director of the Uniformed Police Directorate, will present the work of the Slovenian police in this field. TISPOL president Wolfgang Blindenbacher will describe the work of the European Traffic Police Network. This will be followed by a discussion involving all participants. On the second day of the seminar, foreign traffic experts will give papers on various topics such as the use of technology in guaranteeing road safety, the most common factors in road accidents, planning work in the sphere of road safety at the national level, road safety in France, and so on.