Related releases


Press releases on police activities related to current migration flows

31. 10. 2015: 2,184 migrants currently at Šentilj's accommodation centre - information update at 20:00  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

31. 10. 2015: 1,683 migrants leave Gornja Radgona and enter Austria - information update at 17:30  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

31. 10. 2015: Information on occupancy of accommodation facilities for foreigners 

31. 10. 2015: Statistical data on the number of migrants having arrived in Slovenia by 18:00 today 

31. 10. 2015: Police work during the intensified security situation caused by the escalating migrant crisis in recent weeks - explanations and answers

31. 10. 2015: Four trains carrying migrants already pull in at Dobova railway crossing today - information update at 17:00  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

31. 10. 2015: International passenger train traffic with Croatia has now resumed  (information by Slovenian Railways)

31. 10. 2015: 2,612 migrants currently at Šentilj - information update at 13:00   (fa-file-word-o}(press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

31. 10. 2015: First group of migrants leaves accommodation centre in Gornja Radgona - information update at 9:10

31. 10. 2015: Statistical data on the number of migrants having arrived in Slovenia by 12:00 today

31. 10. 2015: 1,660 migrants currently in Pomurje area - information update at 6:30 (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

31. 10. 2015: 3,637 migrants currently at Šentilj - information update at 6:30 (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

31. 10. 2015: Special, non-scheduled train picks up 426 migrants in Logatec and takes them to Austria via Jesenice - information update at 6:15 (press release of Kranj Police Directorate)

31. 10. 2015: Three trains shuttle migrants from Croatia overnight, fourth train due to arrive after 6:00 - information update at 5:00 (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

31. 10. 2015: Statistical data on the number of migrants having arrived in Slovenia by 6:00 today

31. 10. 2015: Information on occupancy of accommodation facilities for foreigners - information update at 6 am

* * * * *

30. 10. 2015: Influx of migrants to Slovenia has been slowing slightly (press release of Ministry of the Interior)

30. 10. 2015: Migration flow in Maribor area - information update at 19:00  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

30. 10. 2015: Riot and emergency police demonstrate great bravery and kind-heartedness  (press release of General police Directorate)

30. 10. 2015:  Migration flow in the area of Kranj PD - information update at 17:00  (press release of Kranj Police Directorate)

30. 10. 2015: 1,438 migrants taken in by Austria - information update at 15:30  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

30. 10. 2015: Two more trains arrive in Dobova this morning, another expected at about 16:00 - information update at 14:30  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

30. 10. 2015: Statistical data on the number of migrants having arrived in Slovenia by 18:00 today 

30. 10. 2015: Information on occupancy of accommodation facilities for foreigners 

30. 10. 2015: 3,000 migrants taken in by Austria - information at 14:00  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

30. 10. 2015: Statistical data on the number of migrants having arrived in Slovenia by 12:00 today 

30. 10. 2015: Today's first migrant group leaves Gornja Radgona centre - information update at 9:00  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

30. 10. 2015: 533 migrants spend the night at Celje accommodation centre - information update at 8:30  (press release of Celje Police Directorate)

30. 10. 2015: Šentilj accommodation centre currently holds 3,400 migrants - information update at 6:30  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

30. 10. 2015: 1,150 migrants in Gornja Radgona and Lendava at the moment - information update at 6:00  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

30. 10. 2015: Statistical data on the number of migrants having arrived in Slovenia by 6:00 today 

30. 10. 2015: Information on occupancy of accommodation facilities for foreigners - information update at 6 am 

30. 10. 2015: Three trains from Croatia arrive overnight, a fourth train is expected around 6:00 - information update at 5:40  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

* * * * *

29. 10. 2015: The government discussed comprehensive measures to control influx of migrants (press release of Ministry of the Interior)

29. 10. 2015: Migration flow in Maribor area - information update at 19:00  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

29. 10. 2015: Migration flow in the area of Kranj PD - information update at 18:00  (press release of Kranj Police Directorate)

29. 10. 2015: Police duties remain the same, Slovenian armed forces provide valuable assistance

29. 10. 2015: 1,854 migrants taken in by Austria - information update at 18:00  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

29. 10. 2015: Migration flow in Maribor area - information update at 15:30  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

29. 10. 2015: Austria admits 1,217 migrants - information update at 13:30 (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

29. 10. 2015: Two more trains from Croatia arrive this morning, about 2,700 migrants currently in Posavje region - information update at 12:00 (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

29. 10. 2015: Austria takes in another 3,000 migrants - information update at 11:30  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

29. 10. 2015: 434 migrants spend the night in Celje accommodation centre - information update at 9:00 (press release of Celje Police Directorate)

29. 10. 2015: First migrant group leaves Gornja Radgona centre - information update at 9:00  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

29. 10. 2015: 1,141 migrants accommodated in Vrhnika, 223 in Logatec - information updated at 8:30  (press release of Ljubljana Police Directorate)

29. 10. 2015: 637 migrants transferred from Rigonce to Lendava overnight - information update at 6:00  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

29. 10. 2015: 4,278 persons currently at Šentilj - information update at 6:00  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

29. 10. 2015: Statistical data on the number of migrants having arrived in Slovenia by 6:00 today 

29. 10. 2015: Two more trains from Croatia arrive at night, a third train is expected at 6:00 - information update at 5:00  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

* * * * *

28. 10. 2015: The new system of registering migrants is excellent and effective (press release of Ministry of the Interior)

28. 10. 2015: 3,200 persons currently at Šentilj - information update at 21:30  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

28. 10. 2015: Another 2,300 migrants aboard two trains arrive in Dobova this afternoon - information update at 19:00  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

28. 10. 2015: Migration flow in Maribor area - information update at 18:30  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

28. 10. 2015: 1,805 migrants taken in by Austria - information update at 18:00  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

28. 10. 2015: Information on occupancy of accommodation facilities for foreigners 

28. 10. 2015: Statistical data on the number of migrants having arrived in Slovenia by 18:00 today 

28. 10. 2015: Fank meets with representatives of emergency police unit and German officers who have arrived to help Slovenian colleagues

28. 10. 2015: Rubbish on fire earlier today, no one hurt - information update at 16:00  (fa-file-word-o}(press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

28. 10. 2015: 3,255 migrants on trains and busses arrive in Šentilj earlier today - information update at 15:00  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

28. 10 2015: 1,146 migrants taken in by Austria - information update at 14:00 (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

28. 10. 2015: Three trains carrying 3,600 migrants arrive from Croatia, Posavje centres still shelter around 4,600 people - information update at 14:00  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

28. 10. 2015: At 12:00 Rigonce border crossing reopens for passenger vehicles  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

28. 10. 2015: Statistical data on the number of migrants having arrived in Slovenia by 12 am today 

28. 10. 2015: Fank to welcome five German police officers and to visit emergency police unit officers  (invitation to photo op at 15:20) 

28. 10. 2015: A small group of migrants attempt to enter Austria in an unorganised way early this morning - information update at 12:00  (press release of Kranj Police Directorate)

28. 10. 2015: 4,384 migrants taken in by Austria early today - information update at 10:00  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

28. 10. 2015: Group of 409 to leave Celje accommodation centre at about 10:00 - information update at 9:30  (press release of Celje Police Directorate)

28. 10. 2015: First migrant group leaves Gornja Radgona centre - information update at 9:00 (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

28. 10. 2015: 1,044 migrants at Vrhnika - information updated at 7:00  (press release of Ljubljana Police Directorate)

28. 10. 2015: 580 migrants transferred to Petišovci and Dolga Vas yesterday evening - information updated at 6:00  (press release od Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

28.10. 2015: Šentilj's accommodation centre currently holds 4,384 migrants - information update at 6:00  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

28. 10. 2015: A third passenger train with 1,185 migrants arrives at Dobova at night - information update 5:30  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

28. 10. 2015: Information on occupancy of accommodation facilities for foreigners - information upadate at 6 am 

28. 10. 2015: Statistical data on the number of migrants having arrived in Slovenia by 6:00 today 

28. 10. 2015: 1,064 migrants on board a train arrive at Dobova - information updated at 1:00  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

* * * * *

27. 10. 2015: Migrants help clean tent in Lendava  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

27. 10. 2015: 810 migrants in Vrhnika by 21:00  (press release of Ljubljana Police Directorate)

27. 10. 2015: Petišovci border crossing open  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

27. 10. 2015: Slovenia will be assisted by forces from other EU member states (Government press release)

27. 10. 2015: Situation in reception and accommodation centres in Maribor area at 19:00  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

27. 10. 2015: Petišovci border crossing closed - information update at 18:00  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

27. 10. 2015: Further procedures on the southern border  (statement to the press Novo mesto Police Directorate)

27. 10. 2015: Information on occupancy of accommodation facilities for foreigners 

27. 10. 2015: Statistical data on the number of migrants having arrived in Slovenia by 18 pm today 

27. 10. 2015: 1,689 migrants taken in by Austria - information update at 17:30  (press release of Kranj Police Directorate)

27. 10. 2015: Celje accommodation centre currently holds 599 migrants - information update at 13:20  (press release of Celje Police Directorate)

27. 10. 2015: Second migrant group leaves Gornja Radgona centre - information update at 13:20  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

27. 10. 2015: Statement to the press about today's situation of new arrivals  (invitation to the media of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

27. 10. 2015: A new group of just over 1,370 migrants arrives at Rigonce - information update at 12:30  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

27. 10. 2015: Austria admits 1000 migrants at Šentilj, 2,129 persons still at the accommodation centre on the Slovenian side - information update at 12:00  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

27. 10. 2015: A group of 550 migrants expected in Celje - information update at 12:20  (press release of Celje Police Directorate)

27. 10. 2015: Statistical data on the number of migrants having arrived in Slovenia by 12 am today 

27. 10. 2015: First migrant group leaves Gornja Radgona centre - information update at 9:00  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

27. 10. 2015: 1,038 migrants arrive in Vrhnika overnight - information updated at 7:00  (press release of Ljubljana Police Directorate)

27. 10. 2015: Austrian authorities admit 4,800 migrants at Šentilj overnight - information update at 6:30  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

27. 10. 2015: 1.428 migrants currently in Gornja Radgona and Lendava - information update at 6:00  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

27. 10. 2015: A second migrant group today on the way to Rigonce - information update at 5:30  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

27. 10. 2015: Statistical data on the number of migrants having arrived in Slovenia by 6:00 today 

27. 10. 2015: Information on occupancy of accommodation facilities for foreigners - information upadate at 6 am 

27. 10. 2015: Columns of migrants between Rigonce and Dobova (photographs)

* * * * *

26. 10. 2015: Another 1,370 migrants cross border at Rigonce after 23:00 - information update at 23:50  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

26. 10. 2015: 450 migrants accommodated in Celje centre - information update at 21:30  (press release of Celje Police Directorate)

26. 10. 2015: Slovenia keeping situation under control with immense effort (press release of Ministry of the Interior)

26. 10. 2015: A train carrying 600 migrants left Dobova towards Jesenice and Austria - information as of 20:40  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

26. 10. 2015: Migration flow at the Murska Sobota Police Directorate - information as of 20:30  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

26. 10. 2015: Migration flow at the Maribor Police Directorate - information as of 20:30  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

26. 10. 2015: Posavje reception centres shelter this afternoon about 11,000 migrants - information as of 18:30 ( press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

26. 10. 2015: Information on occupancy of accommodation facilities for foreigners - information upadate at 18:00 pm 

26. 10. 2015: The Ministry of the Interior has never limited volunteers in their contacts with migrants (press release of Ministry of the Interior)

26. 10. 2015: 4,140 migrants at Šentilj wait to enter Austria - information update at 14:00  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

26. 10. 2015: Second group of migrants leave Gornja Radgona centre - information updated at 13:30  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

26. 10. 2015: Statistical data on the number of migrants having arrived in Slovenia by 12:00 today 

26. 10. 2015: New group of 1,503 migrants arriving in Rigonce after a train ride - information updated at 9:00  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

26. 10. 2015: First group of around 750 migrants leaves Gornja Radgona centre - information updated at 9:00  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

26. 10. 2015: Celje accommodation centre provides shelter to 547 migrants overnight - information updated at 8:30  (press release of Celje Police Directorate)

26. 10. 2015: 292 migrants spend the night at Vrhnika - information update at 8:00  (press release of Ljubljana Police Directorate)

26. 10. 2015: 800 migrants staying in Gornja Radgona and 489 in Lendava - information updated at 6:00  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

26. 10. 2015: 4,258 migrants leave Šentilj and move on to Austria, 1,039 currently at Šentilj - information update at 6:00  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

26. 10. 2015: Information on occupancy of accommodation facilities for foreigners - information upadate at 6 am 

26. 10. 2015: Statistical data on the number of migrants having arrived in Slovenia by 6:00 today 

26. 10. 2015: A new group of migrants crosses green border near Rigonce after 5:00 - information update at 5:50  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

26. 10. 2015: Today's second group of migrants arrive in Rigonce - information updated at 5:30  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

* * * * *

25. 10. 2015: A new group of migrants at Rigonce - information update 23:50  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

25. 10. 2015: Sixth train with migrants today sent by the Croatian law enforcement authorities - information update at 21:20  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

25. 10. 2015: Slovenia does not have unlimited capacities (press release of Ministry of the Interior)

25. 10. 2015: Migration in Maribor area - information update at 20:00  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

25. 10. 2015: Murska Sobota Police Directorate reports new arrivals - information at 19.30  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

25. 10. 2015: By today, over 64,000 refugees and migrants had entered Slovenia (Government press release)

25. 10. 2015: A new group of migrants arrives at Dobovec border crossing  (press release of Celje Police Directorate)

25. 10. 2015: A new group arriving in Rigonce, over 11,000 migrants currently in Brežice, Dobova and Rigonce - information update at 18:30  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

25. 10. 2015: Almost 7,000 people cross the green border in Rigonce area this night and today - information update at 15:30  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

25. 10. 2015: Migration in Maribor area, offender fined by police officers - information updated at 13:30  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

25. 10. 2015: Statistical data on the number of migrants having arrived in Slovenia on 25. 10. 2015 by 12:00 today 

25. 10. 2015: Around 5,500 migrants cross green border at Rigonce within last 12 hours - information update at 9:30  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

25. 10. 2015: First group of migrants leaves Gornja Radgona's centre - information update at 9:00  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

25. 10. 2015: 4,433 migrants at Šentilj's accommodation centre - information update at 9:00  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

25. 10. 2015: Migrant arrivals reported in Maribor area - information update at 7:00  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

25. 10. 2015: Migrants to leave Celje's accommodation centre this morning - information update at 7:00  (press release of Celje Police Directorate)

25. 10. 2015: Two groups already at Rigonce, nearly 3,000 migrants altogether - information update at 7:00  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

25. 10. 2015: Murska Sobota police report new arrivals - information update at 7:00  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

25. 10. 2015: Another train from Dobova carrying 600 registered migrants reaches Austria via Jesenice - information update at 6:00  (press release of Kranj Police Directorate)

25. 10. 2015: A further 1,070 migrants arrive at Rigonce - information update at 1:00  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

25. 10. 2015: Information on occupancy of accommodation facilities for foreigners on 25. October 2015 at 6 am 

25. 10. 2015: Statistical data on the number of migrants having arrived in Slovenia on 25. 10. 2015 by 6:00 today 

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24. 10. 2015: Györkös Žnidar: The uncontrolled inflow of migrants should urgently be stopped in Greece (press release of Ministry of the Interior)

24. 10. 2015: Situation in accommodation and reception centres in Maribor area - information update at 22:00  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

24. 10. 2015: 600 migrants taken over by Austria - information update at 19:15  (press release of Kranj Police Directorate)

24. 10. 2015: New mass arrivals in Rigonce - information update at 18:30  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

24. 10. 2015: 500 migrants cross into Slovenia at Dobovec - information update at 18:00  (press release of Celje Police Directorate)

24. 10. 2015: Information on occupancy of accommodation facilities for foreigners - information update at 6 am 

24. 10. 2015: Statistical data on the number of migrants having arrived in Slovenia by 6 pm today 

24. 10. 2015: 4,051 people from Šentilj's centre entering Austria - information update at 16:30  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

24. 10. 2015: Pooled efforts help reunite a five-year old Afghan girl with her parents  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

24. 10. 2015: Situation in accommodation centres in Murska Sobota area - information update at 14:30  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

24. 10. 2015: Vrhnika accommodation centre empty - information update at 13:30  (press release of Ljubljana Police Directorate)

24. 10. 2015: Statistical data on the number of migrants having arrived in Slovenia by 12:00 today 

24. 10. 2015: A group of 1,403 migrants crossing into Slovenia at Rigonce  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

24. 10. 2015: Number of migrants in Šentilj's centre at 12:30  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

24. 10. 2015: Situation in reception and accommodation centres in Celje area at 11:00  (press release of Celje Police Directorate)

24. 10. 2015: Austria takes in 581 migrants  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

24. 10. 2015: Migrants leave Gornja Radgona accommodation centre at 9:00  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

24. 10. 2015: Some 1,500 migrants cross into Slovenia at Meje last night  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

24. 10. 2015: Situation in reception and accommodation centres in Murska Sobota area at 6:00  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

24. 10. 2015: Statistical data on the number of migrants - information update at 6 am 

24. 10. 2015: Information on occupancy of accommodation facilities for foreigners - information update at 6 am 

24. 10. 2015: New migrants taken to Vrhnika accommodation centre overnight  (press release of Ljubljana Police Directorate)

24. 10. 2015: 1,339 migrants cross green border at Rigonce early this morning  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

24. 10. 2015: 1,350 migrants cross green border at Rigonce around midnight  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

* * * * *

23. 10. 2015: All 600 migrants aboard the train from Dobova have crossed into Austria - information update at 22:50  (press release of Kranj Police Directorate)

23. 10. 2015: Situation in reception and accommodation centres in Maribor area at 22:00  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

23. 10. 2015: A new group of 1,370 migrants arrives in Rigonce - information update at 21:50  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

23. 10. 2015: Over 50,000 refugees and migrants arrived in Slovenia over last week press (release of Ministry of the Interior)

23. 10. 2015: Around 300 migrants enter Slovenia at border crossing Dobovec - information updated at 20:30  (press release of Celje Police Directorate)

23. 10. 2015: Train carrying migrants departs from Dobova to Jesenice and Austria escorted by the police - information updated at 19:30  (press release of Kranj Police Directorate)

23. 10. 2015: Information on occupancy of facilities on 23. 10. 2015 at 18:00 

23. 10. 2015: Statistical data on the number of migrants - information update at 17:00 

23. 10. 2015: Announced arrival of migrants in Gruškovje - information updated at 17:30  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

23. 10. 2015: 47,510 migrants enter Slovenia since October 16 

23. 10. 2015: Unannounced crossing of the green border in Rigonce continues - the fifth group today consists of around 1,500 persons - information updated at 17:00  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

23. 10. 2015: Situation in reception and accommodation centres in Maribor area at 16:00  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

23. 10. 2015: Statistical data on the number of migrants - information update at 14:00 

23. 10. 2015: 1166 migrants admitted to Austria - information updated at 14:00  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

23. 10. 2015: A fourth group of migrants at Rigonce today - information updated at 13:30  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

23. 10. 2015: Second group of migrants leaves Gornja Radgona accommodation centre - information updated at 13:00  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

23. 10. 2015: Statistical data on the number of migrants situation on 23. 10. 2015 at 12 am 

23. 10. 2015: A new group of migrants arrives at Rigonce at about 9 am  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

23. 10. 2015: Situation at migrant shelters in Maribor area at 9:00  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

23. 10. 2015: First group of migrants leaves Gornja Radgona accommodation centre - information updated at 9 am  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

23. 10. 2015: Over 4,000 migrants cross green border at Rigonce - information updated at 8 am  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

23. 10. 2015: Situation in reception and accommodation centres in Maribor area - at 7 am  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

23. 10. 2015: 1946 migrants taken to Gornja Radgona, Petišovci and Dolga Vas overnight - information updated at 7 am  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

23. 10. 2015: Statistical data on the number of migrants - information update at 6 am 

23. 10. 2015: Information on occupancy of accommodation facilities for foreigners - information update at 6 am 

* * * * *

22. 10. 2015: Woman sent to Slovenian border by Croatia just before giving birth - information update at 22:00  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

22. 10. 2015: 609 migrants on board a train arrive in Austria from Dobova - information update at 21:30  (press release of Kranj Police Directorate)

22. 10. 2015: Another group of migrants make illegal crossing into Slovenia in Zavrč area - Information at 20.00 pm  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

22. 10. 2015: PM Cerar and European Commissioner Avramopoulos for a European resolution of the migrant issue (Government press release)

22. 10. 2015: Statistical data on the number of migrants - information update at 18 am 

22. 10. 2015: Croatia putting at risk the lives of people by unannounced arrivals (press release of Ministry of the Interior)

22. 10. 2015: New group of migrants arrive at Rigonce this evening - information update at 17:30  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

22. 10. 2015: All centres in the area of Maribor Police Directorate empty - information update at 17:15  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

22. 10. 2015: Croatia putting at risk the lives of people by unannounced arrivals (Government press release)

22. 10. 2015: Photos of reception centres in the area of Novo Mesto Police Directorate

22. 10. 2015: Police reunite 7-year old Iraqi boy with his mother 

22. 10. 2015: Information on occupancy of Šentilj accommodation centre at 16:00  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

22. 10. 2015: One person stabbed in a migrant scuffle at Rigonce - information update at 15:30  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

22. 10. 2015: Just over 8,000 migrants in Posavje area currently - information update at 15:00  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

22. 10. 2015: 1058 migrants admitted to Austria - information at 14:30  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

22. 10. 2015: Second group of migrants leaves Gornja Radgona centre - information updated at 13:00  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

22. 10. 2015: Statistical data on the number of migrants - information update at 12 am 

22. 10. 2015: Slovenian police helicopter films Croatian police officers directing migrants to Slovenia across the green border and the Sotla river

22. 10.2015: Austrian authorities close the former old border crossing at Šentilj - information updated at 11:30  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

22. 10. 2015: Almost all migrants leave Šentilj accommodation centre - information updated at 11 am  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

22. 10. 2015: One person stabbed in a migrant scuffle at Rigonce - information update at 9:30 (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

22. 10. 2015: Today's first group of migrants leave accommodation centre in Gornja Radgona - information update at 9:00  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

22. 10. 2015: A new group of migrants crosses green border near Rigonce - information at 8:00  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

22. 10. 2015: Overnight around 660 migrants cross green border in Zavrč - information at 8:00  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

22. 10. 2015: 1,058 migrants currently at accommodation centre in Gornja Radgona - information update at 6:30  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

22. 10. 2015: Large group of about 2,000 to 3,000 migrants flow in across green border near Rigonce at 4 am - information updated at 5:30  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

22. 10. 2015: Information on occupancy of facilities on 22.10.2015 at 6:00 

22. 10. 2015: Statistical data on the number of migrants - information update at 6:00 a.m. 

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21. 10. 2015: New arrivals keep on flowing to Rigonce after 22:00 - information updated at 23:00  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

21. 10. 2015: Late evening situation in Maribor area centres - information updated at 22:30  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

21. 10. 2015: Interior Minister commends police officers on their good work  (press release of Ministry of the Interior)

21. 10. 2015: Šefic: "Above all, they want to continue their journey" (press release of Ministry of the Interior)

21. 10.2015: About 3000 migrants cross the green border this afternoon and evening in Novo Mesto area - information updated at 21.30  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

21. 10. 2015: Situation in Maribor area somewhat calmer - information updated at 7 pm  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

21. 10. 2015: Information on occupancy of facilities on 21.10.2015 at 18:00 

21. 10. 2015: Fank receives assurances from Croatian police chief that communication with the Slovenian police will be improved 

21. 10. 2015: Police officers brave fire to save lives  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

21. 10. 2015: Last of the migrants who arrived in Slovenia at Imeno last night are being registered at Dobovec - information update at 15:30  (press release of Celje Police Directorate)

21. 10. 2015: Austria takes in 1,001 migrants - information updated at 14:30  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

21.10. 2015: Border crossings and accommodation centres in Maribor area through a photographer's lens  (photos of Maribor Police Directorate)

21. 10. 2015: Second group of migrants leaves Gornja Radgona centre  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

21. 10. 2015: Accommodation centre in Vrhnika empty - information updated at 12 am  (press release of Ljubljana Police Directorate)

21. 10. 2015: Fire breaks out at Brežice reception centre - information at 10.30 am  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

21. 10. 2015: 1.000 migrants set off to Austria from Šentilj where 3,800 from other parts of Slovenia are awaited - information update at 11 am  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

21. 10. 2051: Statistical data on the number of migrants - information update at 11 pm 

21. 10. 2015: Around 600 migrants enter Slovenia last night in Imeno - information update at 9:30 am  (press release of Celje Police Directorate)

21. 10. 2015: The first group of migrants leaves accommodation centre in Gornja Radgona - information update at 9 am  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

21. 10. 2015: Around 2,500 foreigners cross the green border in the area of Rigonc this night and morning - information update at 8 am  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

21. 10. 2015: 363 foreigners in reception centre in Središče ob Dravi 363 and 1,868 in accommodation centre in Šentilj - information update at 7 am  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

21. 10. 2015: 19 migrants refused by Austria in Jesenice last night - information update at 7 am  (press release of Kranj Police Directorate)

21. 10. 2015: 898 migrants accommodated in Vrhnika - information update at 7 am  (press release of Ljubljana Police Directorate)

21. 10. 2015: 1,701 migrants in the area of Murska Sobota Police Directorate - information update at 6.30 am  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

21. 10. 2015: Information on occupancy of accommodation facilities for foreigners - information update at 6:00 a.m. 

21. 10. 2015: Statistical data on the number of migrants - information update at 6:00 a.m. 

* * * * *

20. 10. 2015: Around 1,000 foreigners make an unannounced crossing of state border also in the area of Paradiž - information update at 11 pm  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

20. 10. 2015: Violation of agreements causing logistical difficulties  (press release of Ministry of the Interior)

20. 10. 2015: Migrants processed in Jesenice on their way to Ljubljana - information update at 8.30 p.m.  (press release of Kranj Police Directorate)

20. 10. 2015: 3,000 foreigners leave Šentilj to enter Austria this afternoon, 2,800 new arrivals in the evening - information update at 8 p.m.  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

20. 10. 2015: Around 115 migrants refused by Austria processed by the police in Jesenice - information update at 6 p.m.  (press release of Kranj Police Directorate)

20. 10. 2015: Still around 2,200 persons in Brežice and currently no migrants in Obrežje - information update at 7.30 p.m.  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

20. 10. 2015: Fank in Posavje: "The Security of our citizens comes first" 

20. 10. 2015: Train announced to arrive in the area of Maribor Police Directorate  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

20. 10. 2015: Around 3,200 foreigners cross state border in the area of Rigonce - information update at 2.30 p.m.  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

20. 10. 2015: 111 migrants accommodated in Vrhnika, many leave and move on - updated at 14:00  (press release of Ljubljana Police Directorate)

20. 10. 2015: 644 migrants taken over by Austria - update at 13:30  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

20. 10. 2015: Another 250 migrants leave Gornja Radgona centre - update at 12:30  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

20. 10. 2015: 1,700 foreigners currently accommodated in Šentilj - update at 10 am  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

20. 10. 2015: A group of 400 migrants leave accommodation centre in Gornja Radgona - update at 9 am  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

20. 10. 2015: Around 4,000 migrants cross into Slovenia in Novo Mesto area from yesterday afternoon until this morning - update at 9 am  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

20. 10. 2015: 315 migrants accommodated in Vrhnika last night - update at 8 am  (press release of Ljubljana Police Directorate)

20. 10. 2015: 644 foreigners currently accommodated in Gornja Radgona - update at 8 am  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

20. 10. 2015: 330 migrants currently accommodated in Celje - update at 8 am  (press release of Celje Police Directorate)

20. 10. 2015: Government adopts urgent measures to control and limit the migration influx (Government press release)

20. 10. 2015: Around 1,000 foreigners intercepted by police near Rigonce border crossing  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

20. 10. 2015: 18,469 migrants cross into Slovenia in last four days - update at 8 am 

20. 10. 2015: Information on occupancy of accommodation facilities for foreigners - information update at 6:00 a.m.  

* * * * *

19. 10. 2015: Around 1,000 foreigners make an unexpected illegal crossing of state border in the area of Zavrč  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

19. 10. 2015: Around 700 foreigners intercepted by police in Bizeljsko area  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

19. 10. 2015: Information on occupancy of accommodation facilities for foreigners - information update at 6:00 pm  (press release)

19. 10. 2015: Obrežje border crossing and Rigonci area face unannounced arrival of around 1,700 migrants - update  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

19. 10. 2015: Austria takes over 800 foreigners from Gornja Radgona; two-way traffic over the Mura river restored  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

19. 10. 2015: Border crossings in Središče ob Dravi and in Rigonce closed - information updated at 16:30 

19. 10. 2015: Šefic: Partial solutions will bring no good to anyone (press release of Ministry of the Interior)

19. 10. 2015: Croatia's Conduct Inappropriate (press release of Ministry of the Interior)

19. 10. 2015: A group of 400 leave accommodation centre in Gornja Radgona  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

19. 10. 2015: Obrežje border crossing and Rigonci area face unannounced arrival of some 1700 migrants  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate) 

19. 10. 2015: Data on migrant arrivals within the last 12 hours 

19. 10. 2015: 350 migrants registered by police in Središče ob Dravi this morning  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

19. 10. 2015: Information on occupancy of accommodation facilities for foreigners - update at 6 am 

19. 10. 2015: Around 150 migrants undergoing police registration at reception centre in Središče ob Dravi where border crossing remains closed  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

19. 10. 2015: Early hours see some 300 foreigners crossing into Slovenia on foot at Gibina border crossing  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

19. 10. 2015: About 300 refugees enter Slovenia in Dobovec during the night  (press release of Celje Police Directorate)

19. 10. 2015: Police stop migrants from illegal crossing into Slovenia  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

19. 10. 2015: Information on procedures with migrants on the night between 18 and 19 October 

19. 10. 2015: Another 300 foreigners arrive at Obrežje late on Sunday  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

* * * * *

18. 10. 2015: Information on occupancy of accommodation facilities for foreigners 

18. 10. 2015: Three hundred migrants arrive at Obrežje this afternoon  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

18. 10. 2015: Arrival of refugees and migrants is under control and in accordance with plans (press release of Ministry of the Interior)

18. 10. 2015: About 600 migrants cross Gruškovje and Petišovci border crossing points this morning  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

18. 10. 2015: 1200 migrants arrived at the Središče ob Dravi this morning  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

18. 10. 2015: Migrants bussed from Središče ob Dravi to Dolga vas and Gornja Radgona  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

18. 10. 2015: Information on occupancy of accommodation facilities for foreigners   

* * * * *

17. 10. 2015: Registration procedures under way with just over 600 foreigners at Obrežje  (press release of Novo mesto Police Directorate)

17. 10. 2015: Approximately 1500 migrants arrive in Gruškovje and Središče ob Dravi this evening  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

17. 10. 2015: The second group of 300 foreigners arrives in Petišovci  (press release of Murska Sobota Police Directorate)

17. 10. 2015: Hungary temporarily reinstates border control at the internal border with Slovenia 

17. 10. 2015: Activities regarding the arrival of refugees and migrants are running smoothly and without difficulties (Government press release)

17. 10. 2015: Information on occupancy of accommodation facilities for foreigners 

17. 10. 2015: 12 busses with migrants arrive at Gruškovje and Petišovci border crossing points this morning  (press release of Maribor Police Directorate)

17. 10. 2015: Passenger traffic between Slovenia and Croatia suspended  (press release of Slovenian Railways)

17. 10. 2015: Information on occupancy of accommodation facilities for foreigners 

* * * * *

16. 10. 2015: Slovenia expected Hungary's decision to close the green border (press release of Ministry of the Interior)

15. 10. 2015: Controls temporarily reintroduced in September at internal border with Hungary will be lifted tomorrow  (press release of Ministry of the Interior)

15. 10. 2015: Austrian law enforcement authorities to cooperate in managing migration flows

14. 10. 2015: Slovenia is well prepared for the arrival of migrants (government press release)

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Police Activities in Connection with Current Migration Flows